United States or Saint Kitts and Nevis ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Leaving Edmund to bemoan his fate to himself, the party drew nigh to the window to witness the play afresh. They were just in time to witness the advent of another "silent scene." "Let me explain it to you," proffered the once more equable Boniface. "I know all about these things, they oft-times visit us here. I know every bit of this play as well as I know my creed."

"Mr. Sinjin is going with us, Jack," said Frank. "Is he? Bully for you, old chap!" said Jack, as the veteran, with a somewhat contemptuous smile, accepted the proffered match, and smoked away in silence. "We are going to have a gallus old time; nothing could hire me to stay at home."

Instead of awaiting in due season with nets ready prepared the advent of the plump little feathered immigrants from the African coast, the modern Caprioti are continually on the look-out for the steamers that bear hundreds of money-spending tourists to the Marina, and these they proceed to enmesh with proffered offers of service.

He also seemed relieved at the prospect of leaving the vicinity of the office where he was convinced that spies surrounded him, and having thanked and re-thanked me over and over again for my proffered assistance, he led the way down the ladder, and together we gained the street.

Pickwick and his friends having walked their blood into active circulation, proceeded cheerfully on. It was the sort of afternoon that might induce a couple of elderly gentlemen, in a lonely field, to take off their greatcoats and play at leap-frog in pure lightness of heart and gaiety; and we firmly believe that had Mr. Tupman at that moment proffered 'a back, Mr.

Of course the payment itself was no part of the drollery to which Whitelock alludes, for as a gentleman he could not have taken money proffered to him in jest, unless etiquette encouraged him to look for it, and allowed him to accept it.

Then, as I advanced resolutely among the gaming tables, I felt a cuff upon the shoulder and heard a bluff voice in my ear. "Hello, old hoss. How are tricks by this time?" He was grinning affably, apparently none the worse for wear save a slightly swollen lower lip; he seemed in good humor. "Shake," he proffered, extending his hand. "No hard feelin's here. I'm no Injun.

If the volume proffered for the visitor's examination is a genuine rarity, not in his own collection, he surlily inquires how it was come by; whilst if it is no great thing, he testily expresses his astonishment it should be thought worth keeping, and this although he has the very same edition at home.

Issy answered not. The villainous floorwalker had just proffered matrimony or summary discharge to "Flora, the Beautiful Shop Girl," and pending her answer, the McKay mind had no room for trifles. "Issy!" shouted Simeon. "I say, Is', Wake up, you foolhead! Has Cap'n Sol " "No, he ain't, Sim," volunteered Ed Crocker.

But 'ere he got to the farther end of the grove, where still you walked a solemn death-like pace, he saw Foscario pass him unattended, and looking back saw your rencounter, saw all that happened between you, then ran to your assistance just as you parted; still you were roughly sullen, and neither took notice of his proffered service, nor that you needed it, although you bled apace; he offered you his aid to tie your wounds up but you replied 'Be gone, and do not trouble me' Oh, could you imagine I could live with this neglect?