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Phipps approached the little group, the superintendent, informing him in a few words of the plan he had in mind. "Of course I'll go with them," smiled Phipps. "I'll be glad of the chance to get out in the open once more. We had better get started pretty soon if we are going." "How about it, Professor?" queried Mr. Munson. "I do not object if Mr. Phipps accompanies them."

Youif you met a man who could give you for certain ten years of time, you would call him your master.” “My device is: No God! No Master,” said the Professor sententiously as he rose to get off the ’bus.

There was one thing which gave some of us considerable misgiving, and that was the question whether, after all, the language the professor was acquiring was really the girl's own tongue or one that she had learned from the Martians. But the professor bade us rest easy on that point.

Hints which the Professor let fall confirmed my own private conviction that the so carefully guarded secret of the Councillor's relations to Antonia, nay, that even her death, was a crime which must weigh heavily upon him, a crime that could not be atoned for.

Professor O.N. Rood, of Troy, has sent us some most interesting photographs, showing the markings of infusoria enormously magnified and perfectly defined. In a stereograph sent us by the same gentleman the epithelium scales from mucous membrane are shown floating or half-submerged in fluid, a very curious effect, requiring the double image to produce it.

"Here and here only!" She indicated the exact spot and dropped quite beautifully, lying motionless. "Very well," I said, "faint away; but please hurry over it." She did not move. I began to walk home, but each time I looked behind me I saw the dark form of the modern soul prone before the hairdresser's window. Finally I ran, and rooted out the Herr Professor from his room.

I'm the mark for all the lead that's flying around in these parts, I am!" "I am of the opinion that we had better leave the border then," declared the professor. "Oh, don't do that, don't do that," begged the boys. "We never ran away yet. Let's not do it now. We have taken care of ourselves before this and we can do so again." "Of course I do not wish to influence you.

It's only last night that it stopped." "Well, it's evident that we cannot stay here," said Professor Pludder. "We must go with these men toward the mountains. Let us take what's left of the compressed provisions out of the raft, and then we'll eat a good meal and be off."

The full title of Professor Oman's work is "The Mystics, Ascetics, and Saints of India. The subject of asceticism in Judaism has of late years been more sympathetically treated than used to be the case. The Jewish theologians of a former generation were concerned to attack the excesses to which an ascetic course of life may lead. This attack remains as firmly justified as ever.

I did not want our young people to know of the petty bickering and scrapping going on among the elders in the town. So I simply said that hereafter we would dispense with the Bible reading. But it was the direct order of the board. I argued against it, so did Professor Duke, so did Miss Adams. But as it happens, we are all three Presbyterians! It did no good."