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The text of that oath would materially assist his readers in forming an opinion regarding the trustworthiness and impartiality of the professor's conclusions. Professor Frank commences his historical sketch of Belgian neutrality with the year 1632, when Cardinal Richelieu proposed that Belgium should be converted into an independent republic.

The professor's agitation was so great that he could not go on further. And indeed there was not one of us who did not fully share his excitement. To think that we should have come to the planet Mars to solve one of the standing mysteries of the earth, which had puzzled mankind and defied all their efforts at solution for so many centuries!

"Both Scott and Shackleton and our own Wilkes examined the craters of Mounts Erebus and Terror, when steam and flames were occasionally spurting from them, without suffering any bad consequences." Acting on the professor's advice the aeroplane was grounded at a point some distance from the summit of the mountain, on a small flat plateau.

"Father," she whispered, leaning towards him, "do you believe what you have just been saying to me?" It was the professor's turn to be disturbed. He concealed his discomfiture, however, with a gesture of annoyance. "That is scarcely a proper question, Beatrice," he answered sharply. "Ah," he added, with more geniality, "the cocktails! My young friend Tavernake, I drink to our better acquaintance!

Buckland, in spite of his resolve to exhibit no weakness, waited with unmistakable tremor for the announcement of the leading name, which might possibly be his own. A few words of comment prefaced the declaration: never had it been the Professor's lot to review more admirable papers than those to which he had awarded the first prize.

Curzon," says she, with great dignity and more temper, "what may be the meanin' of all this?" The professor's tongue cleaves to the roof of his mouth, but Perpetua's tongue remains normal. She jumps up, and runs to Mrs. Mulcahy with a beaming face. She has had something to eat, and is once again her own buoyant, wayward, light-hearted little self. "Oh! it is all right now, Mrs.

"Take her, John Bretton," he said, "and may God deal with you as you deal with her!" VI. A Professor's Love-Story The pupils from the schools of the city were assembled for the yearly prize distribution a ceremony followed by an oration from one of the professors.

"One part nitric acid, two parts hydrochloric acid," he muttered, pouring the desired quantities from the bottles. These preparations having been made, the Professor's next move was to apply a blowpipe to some of the metal from the pulverized ore, thus forming a small yellow button.

He laid the receiver down and the reflection on the mirror faded away. Lenora started up and hastily put on her coat and hat, which were still lying on the chair. "I am going right down to the Professor's," she announced. "What do you think you can do there?" Laura asked. "I am going to see if I can find out what that man burnt," she replied. "I will be back in an hour."

Well! it had not been such a joke after all, if they had only known. Wynter had made that mythical "pile," and had left his daughter an heiress! Not only an heiress, but a gift to Miss Jane Majendie, of somewhere in Bloomsbury. The professor's disturbed face grows calm again. It even occurs to him that he has not eaten his breakfast. He so often remembers this, that it does not trouble him.