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But I was beginning to show temper in my embarrassment, and of course that made Nasmyth the more imperturbable. "Really, he might be following some disgraceful calling, by the mystery you make of it!" he exclaimed. "And for that matter I call first-class cricket a disgraceful calling, when it's followed by men who ought to be gentlemen, but are really professionals in gentlemanly clothing.

"Evidently you're out for the dust," said Frank. "It takes money to run a team." "Your team is composed of professionals, isn't it?" "They're all salaried players." "Just a bit out of our class. We're straight amateurs." Besides the chauffeur, a rather sad-faced, somber-looking man was sitting in the car. This man now arose with a languid air and stepped out.

The will and intelligence which dictated the Reconstruction belonged to a very different man, a man entitled to a place not with puzzle-headed pedants or coat-turning professionals but with the great tyrants of history. Thaddeus Stevens of Pennsylvania was in almost every respect the opposite of his ally, Charles Sumner of Massachusetts.

The off stump was out of the ground, and the other two were markedly divergent. "Damn it, I wasn't ready for him," we heard Thorpe say in the professionals' room. Thorpe always had some excuse, but on this occasion it was justified. C. V. Punshon was the next comer, and he got his first ball through the slips for four, but Wallis looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

Initiated by Pierre Pelou, the Head of the Library, this electronic forum is primarily intended to benefit representatives of the Permanent Missions, conference delegations and international civil servants. It is also open to specialized researchers, students, engineers and other interested professionals.

Then among the ladies there were a half-score of dubious pale governesses and professionals with turned frocks and lank damp bandeaux of hair under shabby little bonnets; luckless creatures these, who were parting with their poor little store of half-guineas to be enabled to say they were pupils of Signor Baroski, and so get pupils of their own among the British youths, or employment in the choruses of the theatres.

And what's more, we've been here all evening, and you'd better look out how you swear at me or I'll sick Mr. Dyckman on you." Only one touch was needed to perfect the scene, and that was for the First and Second Villains to slink off, cursing and muttering, "Foiled again!" But these villains were not professionals, and they had not been rehearsed.

It is a piece of strategic cleverness that rarely fails to succeed; and if any one underrates the finesse of the street Arabs of New York, he will stand a very good chance some day of being a sufferer from them. The operations of these embryo professionals are not confined to any one kind of theft. They are adepts in all the ways of petty thieving.

"How's it coming on? Got a manager yet?" "Not yet. We were talking about getting some professionals in to brighten up the evening." "Good work! Those amateurs make me sick." "Mrs. Neff proposed that we get some stunning dancer to do a turn." "Not a bad idea. For instance " He emptied his glass of Chablis and the butler was standing by to refill it when Charity answered: "Mrs.

Hay belonged to the New York school, like Abram Hewitt, Evarts, W. C. Whitney, Samuel J. Tilden men who played the game for ambition or amusement, and played it, as a rule, much better than the professionals, but whose aims were considerably larger than those of the usual player, and who felt no great love for the cheap drudgery of the work.