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Assumption of affairs by the state council at Brussels Hesitation at Madrid Joachim Hopper Mal-administration Vigilance of Orange The provinces drawn more closely together Inequality of the conflict Physical condition of Holland New act of Union between Holland and Zealand Authority of the Prince defined and enlarged Provincial polity characterized Generous sentiments of the Prince His tolerant spirit Letters from the King Attitude of the great powers towards the Netherlands Correspondence and policy of Elizabeth Secret negotiations with France and Alencon Confused and menacing aspect of Germany Responsible, and laborious position of Orange Attempt to relieve Zierickzee Death of Admiral Boisot Capitulation of the city upon honourable terms Mutiny of the Spanish troops in Schouwen General causes of discontent Alarming increase of the mutiny The rebel regiments enter Brabant Fruitless attempts to pacify them They take possession of Alost Edicts, denouncing them, from the state council Intense excitement in Brussels and Antwerp Letters from Philip brought by Marquis Havre The King's continued procrastination Ruinous royal confirmation of the authority assumed by the state council United and general resistance to foreign military oppression The German troops and the Antwerp garrison, under Avila, join the revolt Letter of Verdugo A crisis approaching Jerome de Roda in the citadel The mutiny universal.

To this method I owe the greatest part of my reading: for, from twenty to forty, I should certainly have read very little, if I had not been up while my acquaintances were in bed. Know the true value of time; snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it. No idleness, no laziness, no procrastination; never put off till to-morrow what you can do today.

Assumption of affairs by the state council at Brussels Hesitation at Madrid Joachim Hopper Mal-administration Vigilance of Orange The provinces drawn more closely together Inequality of the conflict Physical condition of Holland New act of Union between Holland and Zealand Authority of the Prince defined and enlarged Provincial polity characterized Generous sentiments of the Prince His tolerant spirit Letters from the King Attitude of the great powers towards the Netherlands Correspondence and policy of Elizabeth Secret negotiations with France and Alencon Confused and menacing aspect of Germany Responsible, and laborious position of Orange Attempt to relieve Zierickzee Death of Admiral Boisot Capitulation of the city upon honourable terms Mutiny of the Spanish troops in Schouwen General causes of discontent Alarming increase of the mutiny The rebel regiments enter Brabant Fruitless attempts to pacify them They take possession of Alost Edicts, denouncing them, from the state council Intense excitement in Brussels and Antwerp Letters from Philip brought by Marquis Havre The King's continued procrastination Ruinous royal confirmation of the authority assumed by the state council United and general resistance to foreign military oppression The German troops and the Antwerp garrison, under Avila, join the revolt Letter of Verdugo A crisis approaching Jerome de Roda in the citadel The mutiny universal.

China had learned nothing from her military mishaps at Canton, Amoy, and Chusan, and from the appearance of an English fleet in the Gulf of Pechihli. Keshen had gained a breathing space by procrastination in the north, and he resorted to the same tactics at Canton.

Viglius wrote that if the King did not make his intended visit soon, he would come too late, and that every week more harm was done by procrastination than could be repaired by months of labor and perhaps by torrents of blood. What the precise process was, through which Philip was to cure all disorders by his simple presence, the President did not explain.

The news of the fall of Khartoum and the untimely death of General Gordon sent a thrill of horror and indignation throughout England. The government was seriously condemned for its procrastination in not sending timely relief, for the rescue of the imperiled English. But when the facts became fully known it was found that no blame could be attached to Mr.

The facts of the situation, then, are that the President will not permit any procrastination in the negotiations over the Arabic affair, for should no more satisfactory conclusion be reached now than was the case after the Lusitania incident, Wilson would forfeit the respect of his countrymen, and would have no other resource but to forego his cherished design with what face he might, or else break off diplomatic relations with Germany.

A bridge once connected it with the road on the opposite bank, but it was carried away three or four years ago, and its ragged butments stand as a monument of procrastination, while the stream is crossed by means of a flatboat and a cable. In front of the hotel, on the slight slope to the river, is a meager grove of locusts.

I may shudder at the foresight of my punishment and shrink in the endurance of it; but I shall be indebted for part of my torment to the vigour of my understanding, which teaches me that my punishment is just. Why should I procrastinate my doom and strive to render my burden more light? It is but just that it should crush me. Its procrastination is impossible. The stroke is already felt.

Cutting these with showers of arrows, the man of intelligence, free from procrastination, possessed of a tranquil soul, and with his senses under subjection, ventures to vanquish others. When diverse kinds of faults were in the ascendant and when the righteous were afflicted, Amvarisha of great fame put forth his strength for assuming sovereignty.