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No more they sought to gaze with feverish fear, or still more feverish hope, beyond the present's horizon line; but into the furthest future their own silent spirits sailed.

'Oh, nonsense, said Anthea, pouring out; 'it was all settled hundreds of years ago. 'I don't know, said Cyril. 'Jam, please. This about time being only a thingummy of thought is very confusing. If everything happens at the same time 'It CAN'T! said Anthea stoutly, 'the present's the present and the past's the past. 'Not always, said Cyril.

I'll get the men back damned blessed if I don't, sir! Form right here, men! The present's the best time, and here's the best place."

"Mustn't look a gift horse in the mouth," said Bob, philosophically. "Present's a present, whether it's a pound of candles or a gold chain." "Bah! It's disgusting," said Tom Long. "It's enough to make a man want to part with his commission." "What'll you take for it, Tom Long? I think I should like a change. Or come, I'll swap with you. I'll turn ensign, and you take a go at the sea?"

"Failings, indeed!" muttered the widow; "faix, I b'lieve his chief failing at present's for sthrong dhrink!" " But he must go on with it, unless you at once lave the inn, return to your own home, and give him your promise that you will never marry Martin Kelly." Anty blushed deep crimson over her whole face at the mention of her contemplated marriage; and, to tell the truth, so did Martin.

"Shall we not heed the lesson taught of old, And by the Present's lips repeated still, In our own single manhood to be bold, Fortressed in conscience and impregnable will?" The history of the making of this first society is an interesting story. There were four meetings in all before it was found possible to complete the work of its organization.

Sing the sweet song of other days, Serenely placid, safely true, And o'er the present's parching ways Thy verse distils like evening dew. But speak in words of living power, They fall like drops of scalding rain That plashed before the burning shower Swept o'er the cities of the plain!

Sing the sweet song of other days, Serenely placid, safely true, And o'er the present's parching ways Thy verse distils like evening dew. But speak in words of living power, They fall like drops of scalding rain That plashed before the burning shower Swept o'er the cities of the plain!

See one straightforward conscience put in pawn To win a world; see the obedient sphere By bravery's simple gravitation drawn! Shall we not heed the lesson taught of old, And by the Present's lips repeated still? In our own single manhood to be bold, Fortressed in conscience and impregnable. "Mr. Gladstone has never hesitated to counter at sharp right angles the passion and the fury of the day.

"Well," said the wren, "a present's a present. Folks with a living to get must give what they can afford." It is not wise, as a rule, to sleep on the bare ground in December. But Young John awoke warm and jolly as a sandboy. He picked up his gun. It was bent and curiously twisted in the barrel. "Hallo!" said he, and peered closely into the short turf where it had lain. . . .