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If, for instance, you hear me call out A, B, C, it is ten to one that you will react on the impression by inwardly or outwardly articulating D, E, F. The impression arouses its old associates: they go out to meet it; it is received by them, recognized by the mind as 'the beginning of the alphabet. It is the fate of every impression thus to fall into a mind preoccupied with memories, ideas, and interests, and by these it is taken in.

I imagine I do.... Is there anything in myself that I haven't looked squarely in the face?... How much are we going into? Even as regards facts? "Does it really help a man to see himself?..." Such thoughts engaged him until he found himself in his study. His desk and his writing table were piled high with a heavy burthen of work. Still a little preoccupied with Dr.

"'Sir, said he, 'I have for many months past often observed you as you walked this way, and during all that time your countenance has been unclouded and merry, but the past few days a great change has come over you, and you walk with downcast eyes, melancholy and preoccupied.

She would, at any rate, show them how to behave. She especially attended to G.J., who having drunk little, was taciturn and preoccupied in his amiabilities.

The committee must have come to a decision, and Morrison knows. I tell you he knows he knows. One word it would be enough Wall Street Panama common " Indiman did not answer; he seemed preoccupied, indifferent even, his chair pushed back from the table and his eyes half closed.

Isabel responded to his greeting in a very natural way. The sharp freshness of the summer morning at sea had its tonic effect on both of them; and as for Edward Henry, he lunged and plunged at once into the subject which alone preoccupied and exasperated him. She did not seem to resent it. "You'd have the satisfaction of helping on a thing that all your friends say ought to be helped," he argued.

Lucy would be very glad if you would go in this evening to see them. John, who was already aware of the advent of Madame Montjoie, accepted the invitation and went. Louie received him with a manner half mocking half patronising and made no effort whatever to be agreeable to him. She was preoccupied; and the stout, shy man in his new suit only bored her.

She fancied that his step was slower than it had been, and that he seemed a trifle preoccupied and embarrassed, but he spoke with quiet kindliness when he handed her into the waiting sleigh, and the girl's spirits rose as they swung smoothly northwards behind two fast horses across the prairie.

He consoled himself a little by the reflection that the Princess would realise what he was doing for her and would show some recognition. Finding, however, that she daily treated him with less consideration, owing to the anxieties which preoccupied her, he took the liberty of begging her to think a little of the suffering she was causing him.

Something like a pang shot through him as he reflected that for him the battle must be against wind and tide a fierce struggle, more and more hopeless, to grasp at something drifting visibly out of reach. He was not a man, however, to be beat while it was possible to persist. Believing Dick Stanmore the great obstacle in his way, he watched that preoccupied gentleman as a cat watches a mouse.