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So far as I know, I am the first surgeon to experiment with gland implantation in women. I am also the first to use goat glands in preference to others. "Unquestionably I have cured sterility in one woman, and I have utmost faith that it can be cured in any other, so long as all of her organs are not missing.

The prepared tobacco should be carried to the king's warehouses in the month of June; but the indolence of the inhabitants, and the preference they give to the cultivation of maize and cassava, usually prevent them from finishing the preparation before the month of August. It is easy to conceive that the leaves, so long exposed to very moist air, must lose some of their flavour.

But this is a mere reinforcement of a native quality or, at all events, a quality long antedating the rise of the curious preference just mentioned.

The king expressed his own decided preference for a truce rather than a peace, and his conviction that Jeannin had made the suggestion by command of his sovereign. The negotiators stood exactly where they did when Friar John, disguised as a merchant, first made his bow to the Prince and Barneveld in the palace at the Hague.

He was never consecrated king, though the act would have strengthened his position, and one wonders if the fact is evidence that the leaders had yielded only to a popular pressure in agreeing upon him against their own preference, or merely of the haste and confusion of events.

The European and native doctors, who knew the two plants, all gave the preference to the white; except Dr. Irvine, whose experience over various parts of India is entitled to great weight. March 29. Dropped down the river, experiencing a succession of east and north-east winds during the whole remainder of the voyage.

This might be the result of mere accident, the surveying party frequently 'camping out, in preference to making a long march after a fatiguing day's work; and Pete would be very likely to prefer going to join these men, to remaining alone in the hut. We advanced to the building, therefore, with confidence.

There was only one boy for whom Paula showed a preference, and that was pretty blond Paul, our Martin's friend, comrade, and contemporary, the son of our neighbour, the Privy-Councillor Seiffart; and we lived a good deal together, for his mother and ours were bosom friends, and our house was as open to him as his to us.

He gives you the preference, and suggests that you select pistols, since you would be no match for him with rapiers." "Pistols!" shouted Abbott. "For the love of glory, what are you driving at?" "The Barone has asked me to be his second. And I have despatched a note to the colonel, advising him to attend to your side.

Respect the countess he could not; nor, indeed, could he feel any gratitude for a preference which seemed to him to have no foundations in the only true basis of love-the virtues of the object.