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You will now understand what I meant in suggesting that, had the purloined letter been hidden any where within the limits of the Prefect's examination in other words, had the principle of its concealment been comprehended within the principles of the Prefect its discovery would have been a matter altogether beyond question.

Dressed in his best and with a well-filled purse, he was on the point of starting for the council-chamber with his new slave when Sophilus the tailor and his girl-assistant were shown into the living-room. The man begged to be allowed to try the dress, ordered for Roxana by the prefect's wife, on the steward's daughter.

The riots, it is true, had been wholly raised by the prefect's zeal in setting up the emperor's statue in the synagogues to be worshipped by the Jews, and in carrying into effect the emperor's decree; but, as he had not been able to keep his province quiet, it was necessary that he should be recalled, and punished for his want of success.

You, in your country, if you will forgive my saying so, marry with such reckless haste; and that often means repenting at bitter leisure." The Prefect's voice lowered, a look of real distress came over his face. "Ah! what tales I could tell you what fearful domestic tragedies have been confided to me here, within these four walls! No doubt for an artist this Mr.

In the evening I was very gay, light, rejuvenated, and passed the evening at the Prefect's. They found me witty. But I have not seen blood! I am not tranquil. August 31. The body has been discovered. They are hunting for the assassin. Ah! September 1. Two tramps have been arrested. Proofs are lacking. September 2. The parents have been to see me. They wept! Ah! October 6.

'Workman's hands, said the prefect's secretary. 'Regular workman's hands. The general, almost scandalized at seeing me in such distinguished company, added: 'Hands of a dyer and cleaner. 'Yes, workman's hands, retorted the minister, 'and I wish you many like them. Believe me, they will do much to help the chief industry of your city.

Yes, that must be it; and the grudge that Macrinus now showed against the Alexandrians hastened the pardon which Caesar silently accorded him. Caracalla even said to himself that he had underrated the prefect's intellect, for his eyes flashed and glowed like fire, notwithstanding their smallness, and lending a force to his ignoble face which Caracalla had never noticed before.

Mastor went sadly away and Hadrian returned to his work-room, and there called out to his secretary Phlegon: "Write that a new gate-keeper is to be found for this palace. Euphorion, the old one, is to have his pay continued to him, and half a talent is to be paid to him at the prefect's office.

Julia, the prefect's wife, had supplied the architect at Lochias with a carefully-prepared meal, sufficient to fill six hungry maws, and Pontius' slave who had received it on its arrival and had unpacked it dish after dish, and set them out on the humblest possible table had then hastened to fetch his master to inspect all these marvels of the cook's art.

A sentinel stood before the door of the large corridor which led to the Prefect's office. Inside this room stood a guard, better dressed and seemingly a person of more importance. On showing Mr. Washburn's card, I said to him that I had come here for the purpose of getting a passport, and would like to speak to Monsieur Rigault himself.