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Still the fallen merchant remained immovable. He acknowledged Edgar's pleasantry about interest with a smile, but would by no means accept of a single penny from him in any form. Edgar had set his heart upon two things that morning, and had prayed, not for success, but, for guidance in regard to them. In the first he had failed apparently.

Quoth they, 'Wilt thou that God restore thee thy hands as they were? 'Yes, replied she: whereupon they prayed to God, blessed and exalted be He! and her hands were restored to her, goodlier than before. So praise thou God the Most High, for that He hath restored thee thy hands and thy child. So she praised God the Most High and glorified Him.

For when Moses had prayed to God to let him live, were it only as a private citizen, God granted his prayer, saying to him, "If thou hast no objection to subordinating thyself to Joshua, then mayest thou live," and in accordance with this agreement, Moses had betaken himself to hear Joshua's discourse.

"Ah, Mac," said Clarian, enthusiastically seizing my chum's hands, "such recognition as yours is what I have yearned for, and yet 'tis you who have chiefly mocked me. It shall be finished, Mac, and worthily! Do you not think I have prayed for the inspiration, that I might bestow that final, life-giving touch?

Yea, even while he prayed, his soul, instead of casting off the clay of the world, was loaded and dragged down with all the still-moldering, slow-changing things that lined the walls and filled the drawers and cabinets of his treasure-chamber.

"The Pharisee stood by himself, a distance away from the ordinary folk who went in and out of the Temple, and prayed this way: 'God, I thank thee that I am not like other men thieves, rogues, and immoral like that taxgatherer over there. You know I am a good man. I fast twice a week and pay tithes of all my money.

As we were at the French cathedral last Sunday, we went to the English to-day; and I could easily have imagined myself in some church of Old England, hearing the royal family prayed for, and listening to the pretty poor sermon delivered with such an English brogue.

This was when she had behaved so abominably to the Duke of Merthshire that he had actually withdrawn his more than half-finished proposal. That which she hated more than all else was the God she had prayed to when she asked she might be helped to control her temper.

But there is another lesson still in the words; and that is that, if we are to be guided, we must see to it that we expect and obey the guidance. This servant of Abraham's, with a very imperfect knowledge of the divine will, had, when he set out on his road, prayed very earnestly that God would lead him.

She gave me an account of the number of my pheasants and bantams; and I said, they should be my own care twice or thrice a day. We wept over each other at parting. The girl prayed for all the family.