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They came back, bright as the immortal notes that lighted them, those faded pictures and those fleeted days; the cottage, the old mother's tears when he left her without one grain of sorrow; the village-church and its simple chimes; the clover-field hard by in which he lay and gamboled, while the lark praised God overhead; the chubby playmates that never grew to be wicked, the sweet hours of youth and innocence and home.

Cyrus Harding and Gideon Spilett then turned the poor boy over; as they did so, he uttered a moan so feeble that they almost thought it was his last sigh. Herberts back was covered with blood from another contused wound, by which the ball had immediately escaped. "God be praised!" said the reporter, "the ball is not in the body, and we shall not have to extract it."

Dan patted and praised him, and took a short turn every day, getting frequent falls, but persisting in spite of them, and longing to try a saddle and bridle, but not daring to confess what he had done. He had his wish, however, for there had been a witness of his pranks who said a good word for him.

I gave a very florid description of the fight; praised some admirals and captains for their bravery, sneered at others, and accused a few of right down misconduct.

Alida could scarcely keep the tears back as she thought, "There was a time when he would have praised it without stint. I took so much pains with it in the hope he'd notice, for he once said he was very fond of it." Such were the straws that were indicating the deep, dark currents. As he rose, she said almost apathetically in her dejection, "Mr.

At the very moment when our government was quoted, praised, and commended all over the world, when the friends of republican liberty everywhere were gazing at it with delight, and were in perfect admiration at the harmony of its movements, one State steps forth, and, by the power of nullification, breaks up the whole system, and scatters the bright chain of the Union into as many sundered links as there are separate States!

With patrons in abundance, there was not one willing to advance the small sum of two hundred pounds, which, he said, would make him happy for life; with friends who praised his genius to the skies, there were none who thought it safe to entrust him with the means for purchasing independence otherwise than 'under trustees. The patrons and friends admired the poet's genius, but they never forgot that he was a 'Northamptonshire peasant, the son of a pauper.

"Yes, then, to-morrow. That is, if we subdue the lady." He advanced to Willoughby, seized his hand, squeezed it, thanked him, praised him.

"A couple of days' rest and you'll be as good as new." As he stood up his hand rested in the old familiar way on Tim's shoulder. "I told you it would happen some day, Tim." Tim looked up timidly. "What, sir?" "That we'd be proud of you." Tim's eyes dropped. A thrill ran through his veins. Not because he had been praised paugh! that didn't mean so much but because Mr.

That proposal was not pleasing to Fergus, but it pleased the Red Branch, and they praised the wisdom of their king. "It hath been foretold," he said, "long since, that the Ultonians shall win glory such as never was and never will be, and that their fame shall endure till the world's end. But, first, there are prophecies to be accomplished and predictions to be fulfilled.