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So it happened, that on the same day and practically at the same hour Carpenter gave instructions looking to the pilfering of the French private diplomatic cipher, Marston began to lay plans to test Carpenter's venality, and Madeline Spencer betook herself to Union Station to meet the man-in-the-case, whose face she had never seen, and whose name she did not know.

Certainly many teachers are afraid to advise young people to neglect parts of their lessons, lest such suggestion might seem a direct recommendation to be careless. Why neglect is scarcely allowable in some subjects. We have seen that, to a certain extent, the facts in the three R's and spelling have practically the same worth.

The mechanism of this road is just as sure as that. The force that is driving us forward is no longer mysterious. The laws of electricity are well defined, and its mighty power is under perfect control. Nothing is left to chance, and the result is that there have been no accidents for many, many years, and practically speaking there cannot be any."

In the presence of a practically acknowledged conviction that no territorial baron of that era might venture to engage in an enterprise which denuded his territory of a protecting army, it was necessary to look around carefully before embarking upon the Kyoto project.

But though she practically knew what was going on in his mind, she could not prevent herself from softening toward him. Now followed a succession of dinners, of theater- and opera-goings, of week-ends at the general's new country palace in the fashionable region of Long Island. All these festivities were of the same formal and tedious character.

'You remember what I said to you long since? My mind is made up practically made up. I shall devote myself to Bella's education, in the hope you understand me? Impossible to have found a girl who suited better with my aspirations. She has known the hardships of poverty, poor thing, and that will keep her for ever in sympathy with the downtrodden classes.

On the scaffolding, among the white-jacketed workmen, he could discern one figure in a dark suit. 'You have a clerk of the works, I see, he observed. 'Nominally I have, but practically I haven't. 'Then why do you keep him? 'I can't help myself. He is Mr. Dare; and having been recommended by a higher power than I, there he must stay in spite of me. 'Who recommended him? 'The same De Stancy.

He steals by this apology, that what he takes has no worth where he finds it, and the greatest where he leaves it. It has come to be practically a sort of rule in literature, that a man, having once shown himself capable of original writing, is entitled thenceforth to steal from the writings of others at discretion.

"I've thought," said Jim, "of having a house-warming as soon as the weather gets so that the very name of the function won't keep folks away. My house is practically done, you know." "Just the thing," said Antonia. "There are cosy nooks and deep retreats enough to make it a sort of labyrinth for the ensnaring of our victims."

An owl flew first upon the temple of Concord and then upon practically all the other holiest buildings, and finally after being driven away from every other spot settled upon the temple of the Genius Populi and was not caught, and did not depart until late in the day.