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For a while the streets were a scene of wild confusion; here and there little knots of Englishmen stood together and defended themselves until the last, others ran through the streets chased by their exulting foes, some tried in vain to gain shelter in the houses. Sir John Powis's band was soon broken and scattered, and their leader slain by a heavy stone from a housetop.

"Send for the nearest surgeon," cried Mr. Robert. "Good God! boy! don't mount that devilish horse!" But Arthur had already leaped on the unhappy steed, which had been the cause of this appalling affliction. "Which way?" "Straight on to , only two miles every one knows Mr. Powis's house. God bless you!" said the groom. Arthur vanished. "Lift him carefully, and take him to the house," said Mr.

"Send for the nearest surgeon," cried Mr. Robert. "Good God! boy! don't mount that devilish horse!" But Arthur had already leaped on the unhappy steed, which had been the cause of this appalling affliction. "Which way?" "Straight on to , only two miles every one knows Mr. Powis's house. God bless you!" said the groom. Arthur vanished. "Lift him carefully, and take him to the house," said Mr.

Forgive me, if I have seemed impertinent in my interference, and continue to ascribe it to its true motive." "Stop, Mrs. Bloomfield, I entreat, for a single moment; I wish to say a word before we part. As you have been accidentally made acquainted with Mr. Powis's sentiments towards me, it is no more than just that you should know the nature of mine towards him "

Lord Deerhurst has sent a formal proposal of marriage by Lord Ligonier to Lady something Powis Lord Powis's sister, who, to save appearance of repulse, has returned for answer that she will take three or four days to consider of it. This I have from Williams. He and his father have constant altercations upon this subject. I shall hear nothing of the matter from the parties themselves.

One of the arguments which the Duke of Wellington brought forward in the discussion, and which, probably, contributed to induce him thus to strangle Lord Powis's bill, has had an influence on subsequent legislation.