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The doctor came, looked wise, talked about malaria, exposure to the heat and over-fatigue, left some pills and powders, and went away again after which the house settled down to that alert silence, so different from the restful quiet of an ordinary night.

Doctor Castleton had produced from the recesses of a large medicine case certain pills and powders, had given his directions, and was actually about to leave without giving me an opportunity, or seeming to think that I desired an opportunity, of speaking with Peters. I then appealed for a moment more of time, and for consent to ask the patient a question or two; and my appeal was granted.

His mouth was now as effectually stopt, as that of quack must be, if, in the midst of a declamation on the great virtues of his pills and powders, the corpse of one of his martyrs should be brought forth, and deposited before the stage, as a testimony of his skill.

"Now, Pert," said Sadie, "take one of these powders with a little water, and I think you 'll feel better right away. I 'll leave the box here on the table, near the bed, and if the first one does n 't cure your headache and put you to sleep, take another. Now is there anything more you want, dear? If there is, just call; I 'll leave the door the least bit open."

Poured it into the wine and gave it to him." "Why did you give it to him?" Without answering, she sighed deeply. After a short silence she said: "He would not let me go. He exhausted me. I went into the corridor and said to Simon Michaelovich: 'If he would only let me go; I am so tired. And Simon Michaelovich said: 'We are also tired of him. We intend to give him sleeping powders.

And yet I find that among the more intelligent One must go quietly in these things, you know little by little. Still, in the case of Her Serene High I mean this new little patient of mine. As a matter of fact the suggestion came from the parent. Or I should never " He struck Redwood as being embarrassed. "I thought you had a doubt of the advisability of using these powders," said Redwood.

He could extract no nutrition from the heavy foods they gave him; nor could pellets and powders help his stomach to do the work of digestion. Not only was he a physical wreck, but he was a mental wreck. His mind was overwrought. He was sick and tired of medicine, and he was sick and tired of persons. Human speech jarred upon him. Human attentions drove him frantic.

The girl's mouth set sullenly as she went about her work put out the shining satin dress, the jewels, the hairpins, the curling-irons, the various powders and cosmetics that were wanted for Lady Selina's toilette, and all the time there was ringing in her ears the piteous cry of a little Irish girl, clinging like a child to her only friend: "O Marie! dear Marie! do get her to let me stay I'll do everything the doctor tells me I'll make haste and get well I'll give no trouble.

Give internally one of the following powders every hour until relieved; nitrate of potassa, one ounce; tartrate of antimony, and pulverized digitalis leaves, each one drachm; mix, and divide into six powders. Mucilaginous draughts should be freely given.

I will show the pills and the powders to these honourable signori and the salve it has an excellent odour an odour of of salve."