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Baugh, who had been silent during this pow-wow, finally said, "My board will have to be provided for in a few days, but I have an idea, struck it to-day, and if she works, we'll pull through to grass like four time winners." "What is it?" asked the other two, in a chorus. "There's a little German on a back street here, who owns a bar-room with a hotel attached.

One week, two week, three week, by Bell River." He counted off the weeks on his fingers. "Bimeby Indian him come plenty. No pow-wow. Him come by night. All around corrals. Him make big play. Him shoot plenty. Dead dead dead. Much dead." He pointed at the ground in many directions to indicate the fierceness of the attack. "Boss Allan him big chief. Plenty big. Him say us fight plenty too.

Not to disturb Tommy, she affected a peaceful attitude toward the professor of Christian sorcery, whom, in the anguish of her spirit, she would have liked to project out of a window into the dizzy space occupied by pulleys and clothes-lines. Footsteps came and went past her door, but there was as yet no interruption to Miss Bowyer's pow-wow. At length there came a step on the stairs, and a rap.

A pickaninny the queerest little mite even ventured to poke a tiny finger into the ribs of one of the three. After that there was a great pow-wow. Mr.

"All the men have gone behind the huts. I wonder what they are up to." Rodier took up a hammer, and gently broke a hole in the flimsy back wall of the hut. "There's a big crowd beyond the village," he reported. "Having a pow-wow, too. They've got spears and muskets." "That looks bad. Hurry up with the stay. The sooner we get out of this the better."

His body, according to their custom, having been wrapped in a blanket, and placed in a rude coffin, along with his guns, tomahawk, pipes, and a quantity of tobacco, had been carried to the most elevated point of the hill opposite the fort, followed by an immense procession of his people, whooping, beating their drums, howling, and making altogether what is emphatically termed a "pow-wow"

Manners, Hare overheard a part of a pow-wow 'twixt him and the duke at the Bedford Arms, and Chartersea has all but owned in some of his drunken fits that our little fop is in his power." "Then she is in love with some one else," I said. "I tell you she is not," said Comyn, still more emphatically; "and you can write that down in red in your table book.

We will pow-wow like great chiefs." "Well, that's just it," Nevil went on, rising and drawing up to the table. "I can't see my way clearly. We can't stop him in whatever he intends. He's got some wild scheme in his head, I know; and I can't persuade him. He's obstinate as a mule." "It is so. Little Black Fox is fierce. He never listen. No. But you think much.

"Why, they've swore out a warrant an' aim to guard the shore to- morrow. We want you to " "Mr. Dextry, I'm not looking for trouble. I get enough in my own business." "But, see here," argued the other, "we've GOT to send him out so he can make a pow-wow to the big legal smoke in 'Frisco. We've been cold-decked with a bum judge. They've got us into a corner an' over the ropes."