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As the spring comes on, and the warm sun bursts forth, a formidable snake-like creature, nearly three feet in length, is often seen frequenting the plantations of the sweet potato, or coiled up beneath the roots of an old tree; its keen eye watching for any small reptile or insect which may be passing.

Smaller articles there are, but valuable, in raising which slaves would be found useful, among them cocoa, vanilla, and frijoles, the last being to the Mexicans what the potato is to the Irish, the common food of the common people.

On the other hand, two small slices of whole wheat bread would furnish all the phosphorus, half the iron, and an equal amount of fuel. The potato is conspicuously high in potassium, but it is not likely that in any diet containing one kind of fruit and one kind of vegetable each day there will be any permanent shortage of this substance.

The potato baron entered the secluded patio and sat down beside them on the porch. With a preliminary whistling intake of breath, he remarked that it was a beautiful day and then proceeded, without delay, to discuss the subject closest to his heart the fertile stretches of the San Gregorio valley. Parker squirmed a trifle uneasily. "As I explained to you this morning, Mr.

Who'd want to read it? why, nobody! Oh, I can see as you've been throwing away your opportunities and wasting your chances shocking, you 'ave." "Now I wonder," said Barnabas, frowning thoughtfully, "I wonder if I have?" "Not a doubt of it!" answered the Pedler, swallowing the last of his potato. "Then the sooner I begin to make up for it, the better." "Ah!" nodded the Pedler.

The question, What to do with you? especially since the potato died, is like to break my heart!

If stained, rub with half of a potato or with a cork dipped in powdered pumice stone, wipe dry, wash, and polish with a little bath brick or sapolio. Clean carving knives and forks in the same way, going around the joinings with a rag-covered skewer.

Taking all these communications together, one hundred and fifty eight calculated upon a loss of less than one-third of the potato crop; one hundred and thirty-five upon the loss of a full third; one hundred and thirty-four, that one-half of the crop was destroyed, and forty apprehended a destruction of more than one-half.

The first measure promulgated to meet the new conditions was a prohibition of exportation. Potato flour was employed in bread-baking. War bread was standardized for the whole Empire. The principal cities purchased vast quantities of cereals, and Prussia founded a War Corn Association for the acquisition of cereals to be stored until the ensuing spring. Expropriation was legalized.

Does it make my mouth cold to be good, d'ye s'pose?" "La, me, I don't know," replied the girl, washing a potato vigorously. "I might wash those potatoes," said Dotty, plucking Norah's sleeve; "do you put soap on them?" "Not much soap no." "Well, then, Norah, you shouldn't put any soap on them; that's why I asked; for my mother just washes and rinses 'em; that's the proper way."