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All of them, too, would be happy in the confidence that when the time should come, England would have full meed of praise to award to the gallant soldiers who had adhered so well and so manfully to their post.

In return, she had again written to him, but though three weary weeks had passed, she had received no word in reply. She could neither write by post, nor could she telegraph. It was far too dangerous. In addition, his address had been purposely withheld from her. Walter Brock had tried to ascertain it.

"While I was shaving this morning at eight o'clock, I witnessed from the front window an encounter in the street nearly opposite, between William C. Bryant and William L. Stone, the former one of the editors of the Evening Post, and the latter the editor of the Commercial Advertiser.

To Luther, however, the post of high dignity to which he was now promoted brought new fear and anxiety. He had now to appear before God as a priest; to have Christ's Body, the very Christ Himself, and God actually present before him at the mass on the altar; to offer the Body of Christ as a sacrifice to the living and eternal God.

Since darkness had fallen there had been no noise save the murmur of their own voices and the cry of "Hinakaga", the owl, like a sentry at his post making his report from the grove of pines.

His son was an attendant at the church, and when the regular organist fell ill, asked his father if he would not take his place. Ever ready to do a kindness. Professor Wood consented. The organist never sufficiently recovered to come back to his post, being compelled to go West finally for his health. Mr.

'Now you will do it to please me, said Albinia, 'if for no better reason. Fetch your Bibles and Prayerbooks. 'We shall never have time for our studies, I assure you, mamma, objected Lucy. 'That is not your concern, said Albinia, her spirit rising at the girls' opposition. 'I wish for obedience. Lucy went, Sophy leant against the table like a post.

He organised all these adventurers on the plan of the Armatous, by companies, placing a captain of his own choice at the head of each, and giving each company a special post to defend. Of all possible plans this was the best adapted to his country, where only a guerilla warfare can be carried on, and where a large army could not subsist.

Make yourself quite small, get into my throat go into my gizzard and I will carry you. 'Happy thought! says friend Fox. He takes bag and baggage, and, presto! is gone like a letter into the post. And Drakestail is off again, all spruce and fresh, still singing: 'Quack, quack, quack, when shall I have my money back? He had not gone far when he met his lady-friend Ladder, leaning on her wall.

Mrs Hurtle would not return till late in the evening, and as the following day was Sunday there would be no delivery by post. When the note was finished he left it on the table, and called to Ruby to tell her that he was going. 'Mr Montague, she said in a confidential whisper, as she tripped down the stairs, 'I don't see why you need be saying anything about me, you know.