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I have one letter from a man of twenty-seven summers, who pants to bestow himself on some one at as early a date as possible.

A skillful French astronomer, M. Laussedat, in watching the eclipse of July 18, 1860, probed that the horns of the lunar crescent were rounded and truncated. Now, this appearance could only have been produced by a deviation of the solar rays in traversing the atmosphere of the moon. There is no other possible explanation of the facts." "But is this established as a fact?" "Absolutely certain!"

Scepticism is the touchstone. Incredulity is sometimes the vice of a fool, and credulity the defect of a man of intelligence. The latter sees far into the immensity of the Possible; the former scarcely sees anything possible beyond the Actual. Perhaps this is what produces the timidity of the one, and the temerity of the other. A demi-scepticism is the mark of a feeble understanding.

The whole air was one throb and thrump. The only refuge from it was to go into one of the gardens, and give yourself over to one band. And so it was possible to have delightful music, and see the honest Germans drink beer, and gossip in friendly fellowship and with occasional hilarity. But music we had, early and late. We expected quiet in our present quarters.

"Strange," replied Richard, "that others should treat of what is due to the wounded majesty of England!" "They are willing to anticipate your demands, if it be possible," answered the hermit.

It is possible that a portion of the wrath to come might have been averted had there been many men in high places to heed his voice. I do not wish to exaggerate the power and wisdom of the man, nor to set him forth as one of the greatest heroes of history.

Men and women, young and old, all seemed to be possessed of but the one idea to secure as much of the blood-money as possible, and to do their best to bring the hated Irish to the gallows.

Instinctively she unfastened his doublet at the neck, and sought to draw it away that she might see the nature of his hurt and staunch the wound if possible, but her strength ebbed away from her, and she abandoned her task, unable to do more than murmur his name. "Crispin, Crispin, Crispin!"

He therefore called together his colleagues then in Tampa Town, and, without showing what he thought about it or saying a word about the degree of credibility the telegram deserved, he read coldly the laconic text. "Not possible!" "Unheard of!" "They are laughing at us!" "Ridiculous!" "Absurd!"

He wanted to be on the spot, to be close at hand to hear tidings of the missing girl, and he wanted also to be here in the event of John Holbrook's return to come face to face with this man, if possible, and to solve that question which had sorely perplexed him of late the mystery that hung about the man who had wronged him. He consulted Ellen Carley as to the probability of Mr. Holbrook's return.