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I hope it won't come to Mary's ears; but if it does, luckily, with all her temper, she is a sensible woman, and knows that even Jove nods at times." After the service the Colonel spoke to various friends, accepted their condolences upon the death of Mr. Porson, and finally walked down the road with Eliza Layard.

For further remarks concerning Lamb's journalism see below when we come to The Albion and his connection with it. Perry, of the Morning Chronicle. Perry was a noted talker and the friend of many brilliant men, among them Porson.

I am sure that for your own sakes you will not object to his taking a look at you." Mr. Porson went to the door, and the constable and White entered. The chief constable, when Mr. Porson had called upon him to ask for one of his men to accompany him to the dealer's, had told him that White bore a very bad reputation.

"Thank you, I will take it myself," Mr. Porson said quietly, as he advanced and stretched out his hand. Mather turned round with a sudden cry, and then stood the picture of silent terror.

He was moved more moved than I meant him to be, and I was moved myself. I suppose that it was the surroundings; that old chapel how well those monks understood acoustic properties the moonlight, the upset to my nerves this afternoon, my fear that he believed that I had accepted Mr. "While I was singing he told me that he was going away to see Miss Porson at Beaulieu, I suppose.

Shall I repeat it to him?" "No, please don't, Colonel Monk. I did not mean it for compliment, only for an answer." "Your wish is a command; but may I make an exception in favour of Miss Porson, who prospectively owns the nice face in question? She would be delighted to know it so highly rated;" and he glanced at her sharply, the look of a man of the world who is trying to read a woman's heart.

Porson owned a villa at Beaulieu, in the south of France, which he had built many years before as a winter house for his wife, whose chest was weak. Here he was in the habit of spending the spring months, more, perhaps, because of the associations which the place possessed for him than of any affection for foreign lands.

If it's not straightened out, why, it looks like all work at your mills'll quit, and you're going to get your forest limits burnt out stark." Ole Porson took a final glance round his shanty. The last of the daylight was rapidly fading. There was still sufficient penetrating the begrimed double window, however, to reveal the littered, unswept condition of the place. But he saw none of it.

On that occasion he had entrusted one of his machines to his first cousin, Mary Porson, a big girl with her hair still down her back, rather idle in disposition, but very intelligent, when she chose. Mary, for the most part, had been brought up at her father's house, close by.

"Wouldn't it be better, sir," the constable asked, "to wait till the deed is completed, then we can lay our hands on White as a receiver?" "No," Mr. Porson replied, "for in that case the boy would have to appear with him in the dock, and that I wish of all things to avoid." So saying he walked quickly on and entered the shop.