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This may be seen in distinct strains of the cultivated bulbous Begonia, and more rarely in primroses. Here the apex of the carpellary leaf is sometimes drawn out into a long style, terminated by a flattened spatulate stigma. The pistillody of the stamens is frequently combined with another deviation in the poppies.

What had become of the sun-bathed leaves, and the flaming dandelions, the blood-red poppies, the pure marguerites that had reared their heads amidst the green grass above which had fluttered innumerable yellow butterflies? They were all gone, and the very air seemed changed, for now it was no longer full of life, and fertilizing germs and intoxicating perfumes.

We flew by lawns like the lawns of England, and thick, dark patches of forest, where the sun rained gold. There were meadows where a red flame of poppies leaped among the wheat, and quenched their fire in the silver river of waving grain.

Diva wasted no time, but rang the bell. She had to make certain. "Janet," she said, "go straight out into the High Street, and walk close behind Miss Mapp. Look very carefully at her dress; see if the poppies on it are of chintz." Janet's face fell. "Why, ma'am, she's never gone and " she began. "Quick!" said Diva in a strangled voice. Diva watched from her window.

Big golden poppies on the hat, and a girdle at her waist of the same tawny hue, emphasized the rare colour of her eyes in shadow, brown like an autumn leaf, gold like amber when the sunlight lay in them and the whole effect was deliciously arresting. "You've been spending your substance in riotous purple and fine linen," pursued Audrey relentlessly.

"I ketched sight of a bit of scarlet ever so far off, and that must mean Bri'sh soldiers." "No; it might be something painted red or a patch of poppies perhaps." "Oh, go it!" cried Punch angrily. "You will say next it is a jerrynium in a red pot, same as my mother always used to have in her window. It's red-coats, I tell you. There, can't you see them?" "No." "Tchah! You are not looking right.

The architecture was pure Gothic, vaulted roofs and pointed arches. Where the roof and walls were dug in the chalk, there was an attempt at carving, carrying out the Gothic spirit. Huge chimneys had their openings in the fields overhead, and strange, indeed, did it seem to find one of these old chimneys in a wheat field with poppies and corn flowers growing in its crevices.

The water-jug stood as a reminder of the hateful visit and of... He took it hastily away into his bedroom. There he washed his hands. The fact that he had touched Zuleika gave to this ablution a symbolism that made it the more refreshing. Civet, poppies? Was there not, at his call, a sweeter perfume, a stronger anodyne? He rang the bell, almost caressingly.

"But the poppies are here to-day," she said, glaring carnivorously upon their glow and splendour. "I will pay you for them," said a gentleman, at another time. The apparent sordidness of my position overwhelmed me, and I said weakly: "I do not sell my poppies. You may have what you have picked." But before the week was out I confronted the same gentleman again. "I will pay you for them," he said.

The summer heat, the scent of flowers streaming through open windows, the song of birds, the level landscape, here vividly green with the upspringing aftermath, there crimson and gold where the poppies gleamed amongst the ripening corn all such sweet sensuous influences she looked out upon lovingly, and enjoyed them so long as she was left alone.