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There were two establishments in Sevenoaks which stood so far away from the stream that they could hardly be described as attached to it. Northward, on the top of the bleakest hill in the region, stood the Sevenoaks poor-house.

This I most enjoyed doing in the spring, alone on the little strip of grass behind the Poor-house, in which I was the only child. Besides me there were but three old women 'being fed to death, as the peasants used to say. Two of my companions were blind, and the third was dull-witted and gazed ever straight before her.

The patient, a woman of thirty-eight, five feet 5 1/2 inches in height, coarse, with masculine features, having hair on her upper lip and chin, and weighing 199 1/2 pounds, was found in a poor-house in Trenton, Missouri, on November 26, 1890, suffering from a colossal growth of the abdomen. The accompanying illustration is from a photograph which was taken at the time of the first interview.

"Which do you propose to do," asked Molly disrespectfully, "start a society for the improvement of the jail or open a mission at the poor-house to teach Miss Bean some manners?"

One by one sick, disabled, discouraged, dead-beaten they drifted into the poor-house, which, as the years went on, grew into a shabby, double pile of buildings, between which ran a county road.

Children, who proceed on the reverse order, growing from less to greater utility, but with a still greater disproportion of nutriment to labor than is found in the second of those subdivisions: as is visible to those who will give themselves the trouble of examining into the interior economy of a poor-house.

She was twenty years younger than my wife jilted her a week before her marriage, and would never give a reason, and she went mad and is in a madhouse how. I should like to have the ruining of him for it. I should like to drive him into the poor-house." Mr. Quest and Edward looked at each other, and the old man let his head fall back exhausted. "Now good-bye, Mr.

Stopping over night at LeBoy, in company with the president and captain of the LeBoy Club, I visit the State fish-hatchery at Mumford next morning, and ride on through the Genesee Valley, finding fair roads through the valley, though somewhat hilly and stony toward Canandaigua. Inquiring the best road to Geneva I am advised of the superiority of the one leading past the poor-house.

"I should call the police," responded Mrs. Dillingham, with a smile. Then Harry, in a simple, graphic way, told her all about the hard, wretched life in Sevenoaks, the death of his mother, the insanity of his father, the life in the poor-house, the escape, the recovery of his father's health, his present home, and the occasion of his own removal to New York.

I'm in the poor-house of life where the paupers are all fed on stones." Then suddenly, as he went on, a brave spirit of revolt seized him. "It is wanting what we have not that makes us paupers," he said, "and I will not be one, if I tear my heart out."