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In consequence of the report of this committee the Council of Mines established in Paris, proposes to the government the measures necessary to be adopted. Twenty pupils, who have passed their examination at the Polytechnic School, are attached to the practical schools, for the purpose of applying the theoretical part of their instruction.

There are the masters of railroad management, too. Few of them have been college men, although the college man is now appearing among them witness President Cassatt, of the Pennsylvania System, a real Napoleon of railroading, who, I hear, is a graduate of the German universities and of American polytechnic schools. Burns did not go to college. Neither did Shakespeare.

That was quite an unusual spectator for me! I felt anxious to know who he was, and I heard he was a candidate from the Polytechnic Institution in Copenhagen, who had been sent out to instruct the folks in the provinces. Punctually at eight o'clock my performance closed; for children must go early to bed, and a manager must consult the convenience of his public.

No pupils are admitted but such as have been students, at least two years, in the Polytechnic School. The examination of the candidates takes place every year, and the preference is given to those who excel in descriptive geometry, mechanics, and the other branches of knowledge appropriated to the first year's study at that school.

She stood out for him simply by the fact that, of all the young ladies of the Polytechnic, she was the only one he really knew barring Maudie Hollis, and Maudie, though she was the proud beauty of the Polytechnic, didn't count.

Saunders, with a heavy heart, to the nearest tavern, to prepare an account of what he called "Heroism in High Life," large letters, and the usual signs of great astonishment!!!!! for the Polytechnic Magazine. The commander of the distressed vessel had been penny-wise.

He believed it much easier to develop a polytechnic institute than a large recreational center, but he doubted whether the former was as useful. The social clubs form a basis of acquaintanceship for many people living in other parts of the city.

He recalled to mind all the exploits of his life, and asked himself if, in virtue of the task he had accomplished, he were not really deserving of happiness. After very brilliant studies, he had left the polytechnic school with first honours, and had chosen the state mining service when the Franco-German war had broken out.

They must acquire at a Polytechnic, or perhaps they have acquired themselves at school, some knowledge of how to conduct the work and play of the gymnasium. It will depend upon the conductors of the club how far its virtues extend.

A hundred and fifty pupils of the celebrated military school, the Polytechnic, joined the procession, shouting "Vive la Liberte!" These shouts were soon followed by the still more ominous cry, "A bas Louis Philippe!" "Vive Lafayette!" The storm of popular excitement was rapidly rising.