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Set this paste on a plate in a cool oven to dry, pound it very fine, and apply a little of the powder, moistened with sweet oil, to the brass with a piece of leather, polishing with another leather or an old silk handkerchief. This powder should also be labelled "poison."

To "point" a piece of stone, or give it a somewhat smooth surface, is done now with tools worked by compressed air. After this, the stone is rubbed by machinery, of course with water and emery, then by wet felt covered with pumice or polishing putty. A few years ago two young Vermonters invented a machine that would saw granite. This saw has no teeth, but only blades of iron.

The sink, unless it is porcelain-lined, should be kept well painted and enameled, white being preferable to any color. Faucets can be kept bright by rubbing with whiting and alcohol, followed by a vigorous polishing with a bit of flannel.

He recalled many little pictures of the early years not the actions, but the reflections of action. It was fascinating. He found that his journal would bulk big presently, so he took to polishing as he went along; chose the finest, toughest Indian parchment and wrote finely as this print for it was clear to him that he had entered upon what was to prove a life-habit.

The pieces are not merely to be played over, but really overhauled, and all weak places treated to a dose of slow, careful practise, using the printed pages. Artists on tour, where consecutive practise is difficult or unattainable, always carry the printed notes of their repertoire with them, and are ceaselessly studying, repairing, polishing their phrases, thinking out their effects.

Tim, Andy, Alex and Ritter were at headquarters when he arrived, and Tim was as clean as any. "We've been inspecting each other," Andy laughed. "Look at those fellows over there." The Fox patrol had a box of blacking and a brush, and two scouts were polishing their shoes. The Eagles had a needle and thread, and one scout, under the watchful eye of his patrol leader, was sewing on a button.

Jude was polishing the gun which John Gaston had given him a year before, and had trained him to use until he was second only to Gaston himself for marksmanship. "Him and her who?" he asked, raising his dull eyes to Billy's tormenting face. "Joyce and Mr. Gaston. Him and her is beaux, I reckon. She goes to his shack; I listened outside the winder once he reads to her and tells her things.

Now, will yer let us ask yer a question or two?" "I dessay," said Bessie, polishing her cup. "Well, then to begin reg'lar, Mrs. Costrell yo' agree, don't yer, as Muster Bolderfield put his money in your upstairs cupboard?" "I agree as he put his box there" said Bessie, sharply. John broke into inarticulate and abusive clamour. Bessie turned upon him.

This done the pitch was scored across and across, till it was divided into squares, with little channels between them, so that the polishing powder and water might run freely between; then a final pressure was given upon the mirror and the implement was left to harden till the next day.

I knew a haggard, worked-out Bushwoman who put her whole soul or all she'd got left into polishing old tins till they dazzled your eyes. I didn't feel inclined for corned beef and damper, and post-and-rail tea. So I sat and squinted, when I thought she wasn't looking, at Brighten's sister-in-law.