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I exclaimed, incredulously, half refusing to see, in that placid matron, the ceaseless plotter, the woman accused of poisoning and all manner of bloodshed, whom the name represented. "Catherine de Medici," said De Rilly, evidently finding it a pleasure to instruct a newcomer as to the personages and mysteries of the court. "She who preserves the royal power in France at this moment."

Will was peculiarly uneasy: it seemed to him not like Dorothea that the mere fact of her being a widow should cause such a change in her manner of receiving him; and he knew of no other condition which could have affected their previous relation to each other except that, as his imagination at once told him, her friends might have been poisoning her mind with their suspicions of him.

We have seen how President Andrew Jackson some thirty years before, had stamped out Nullification and Disunion in South Carolina, with an iron heel. But a weak and feeble old man still suffering from the effects of the mysterious National Hotel poisoning was now in the Executive Chair at the White House.

I was a good bit more cheerful when I'd choked down the sandwich, especially when he assured me the water was all right "a little high, as you might say, but not poisonous. Lord, I wish you could have seen them staggering into my office!" "I saw enough," I said with a shiver. "That German, von Inwald," he went on, "he's the limit. He accused us of poisoning him for reasons of state!"

If means are too narrow to admit of the expense attendant upon making a drain long enough and tight enough to carry off all refuse water to a safe distance from the house, then adopt another plan. Remember that to throw dirty water on the ground near a well, is as deliberate poisoning as if you threw arsenic in the well itself.

Her husband caressed and petted her, and before long the wife joined her merry-minded husband in laughing over the joke against her. That, said Maitre Couture, that mutual laughter and kindness, seemed a strange preliminary to the supposed poisoning episode of two hours or so later. The truth of the matter was that Boursier carried the germ of death in his own body. What enemy had he made?

"Yes, of course," answered the masseur, eager to explain. "You are acquainted with the latest treatment for lead poisoning by means of the electric bath?" Kennedy nodded. "I know that Sir Thomas Oliver, the English authority who has written much on dangerous trades, has tried it with marked success." "Well, sir, that was why Mr. Minturn was here. He came here introduced by a Dr.

Central Lombardy is, in general, characterised by marshy swamps poisoning the whole atmosphere with their miasmatic exhalations.

If we do, she will be a thorn in our side, a upas tree poisoning the air. Let Canada be ours once for all, and we have no more to fear!" Humphrey and Julian exchanged glances of amaze. Such a scheme as this seemed to smack of madness. "You think it cannot be done, my friends? England has done greater feats before."

How it is possible for human beings to exist in rooms so filled with coal gas is beyond my knowledge. Of course, death from gas poisoning is not unusual, but I suppose the natives have become somewhat immune to its effects. Our destination was a tiny village in the mountains about eight miles beyond Ho-shun, a city of considerable size in the very center of the province.