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Where a bilateral affection exists, two or three weeks' time should intervene between the treatments of each leg. A sterile metal syringe equipped with a slip joint for the needle is well adapted to this operation. Lubrication of the plunger with heavy sterile vaseline or glycerin will prevent the syringe from being ruined by the iodin.

Four plunger switches closed, that tiny pilot ray became an enormous rod of force, and as those two gigantic beams met in exact opposition and neutralized each other, a solid wall of blinding brilliance appeared in the empty ether behind the Vorkulian fortress. As that dazzling wall sprang into being, the sparkling green protection died from the walls of the heptagon. "Go to it, Quince!"

Then how, on the day following, the papers told of the young gentleman who of all others had won a fortune, thousands and thousands of pounds they said, getting back sixty for every one he had ventured; and pictured him in baby clothes with the cup in his arms, or in an Eton jacket; and how all of them spoke of him slightingly, or admiringly, as the "Goodwood Plunger."

That, in his luckier days, had happened often and had amused him, but now he moved back irritably and wished that the figure in front of him would disappear as it had come. "I am in great trouble, sir," the woman said. "I have no friends here, sir, to whom I may apply. I am very bold, but my anxiety is very great." The Goodwood Plunger raised his hat slightly and bowed.

Bill came down on the metal plunger of the horn with all his might, and Casey jumped perceptibly and came back grinning. "She'll do. What'll put a crimp in Casey Ryan's spine is good enough for anybody. Bring her out here and show me how yuh work the damn thing. Guess she'll hold six Bohunks, won't she with sideboards on?

He spoke as a reformed plunger, and with many a bitter experience of the race-course and the card-room.

Ever and anon he would buy 1000 Shares of something, as if Negotiating for a Bread-Ticket. As a rule, the tall-grass Plunger with a wad of new Kale has about the same percentage in his favor as that enjoyed by a Shoat out at the well-known Establishment of Armour & Co. A few weeks later they are casting lots for his Union Suit.

It consisted of a glass syringe about two inches long, fitted with a glass plunger and an asbestos washer. On the other end of the tube was a hollow point, about three-eighths of an inch long just a shiny little bit of steel such as he had already showed me.

On injecting a solution of formalin, hold cotton tightly around the nozzle of the syringe, when the plunger is down, then withdraw the syringe gently and note particularly if the fluid returns through the opening; if none returns cease operations at once, as it is dangerous to proceed farther, it indicates that the sinus is not well defined and the fluid retained will cause much trouble and often the death of the patient.

I know a very meritorious parish-priest, of fair repute too as a preacher, who has striven for years, hard but unavailingly, to divest himself of the martial air he brought with him out of the K.D.G. He strides down the village street with a certain swagger and roll, as if the steel scabbard were still trailing at his heel, acknowledging rustic bows with a slight quick motion of the finger, like troopers' salutes; on the smooth shaven face is shadowed forth the outline of a beard, nurtured and trimmed in old days with more than horticultural science; in the pulpit and reading-desk gown and surplice hang uneasily, like a disguise, on the erect soldierly figure, and the effect of his ministrations is thereby sadly marred; for apposite text, earnest exhortation, and grave rebuke flow with a curious inconsistency from the lips of that well-meaning but unmitigated Plunger.