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The second was the archdeacon's favourite son, and Henry was indeed a brilliant boy. The versatility of his genius was surprising, and the visitors at Plumstead Episcopi were often amazed at the marvellous manner in which he would, when called on, adapt his capacity to apparently most uncongenial pursuits.

It might be all very well recommending Mr. Arabin to marry, but how would Mr. Arabin, when married, support a wife? Things were ordering themselves thus in Plumstead drawing-room when Dr. and Mrs. Grantly were disturbed in their sweet discourse by the quick rattle of a carriage and pair of horses on the gravel sweep.

Mr Arabin had of course been much in his own parish, looking to the doings at his vicarage, calling on his parishioners, and taking on himself the duties of his new calling. But still he had been every evening at Plumstead, and Mrs Grantly was partly willing to agree with her husband that he was a pleasant inmate in a house.

She shot out at the door with him, and clasped her hands before Mrs Plumstead, looking up piteously, as if to implore her to do Mr Hope no harm. Already, however, the vixen's mood had changed. At the first glimpse of Mr Hope, her voice sank from being a squall into some resemblance to human utterance. She pulled her cap forward, and a tinge of colour returned to her white lips.

Bold, when invited, had been the guest of the Grantlys, and Miss Thorne, who had chiefly known Eleanor at the hospital or at Plumstead Rectory, had forgotten all about Mary Bold. Her sister-in-law had implored her to go under her wing and had offered to write to Miss Thorne, or to call on her. But Miss Bold had declined. In fact, Mr.

I dare say 'the horses' won't find it convenient to come out to Plumstead very soon, and when that once is done the matter may drop." "I don't suppose Eleanor need call. I don't think Eleanor would get on at all well with Mrs. Proudie."

But all this had nothing to do with the duty on which she had come; nor did it, in the slightest degree, militate against her own affection. "Papa," she said, kissing him, "you are surprised to see me so early?" "Well, my dear, yes; but very glad all the same. I hope everybody is well at Plumstead?" "Everybody, thank you, papa." "That is well. Posy and I are getting ready for church.

But we must go back to the major and to the archdeacon at Plumstead, in which comfortable parish things were generally made straight more easily than at Hogglestock. Henry Grantly went over from Barchester to Plumstead in a gig from the the "Dragon", and made his way at once into his father's study.

Now she could not bring herself to explain to Charlotte Stanhope all that had passed at Plumstead. But it was to her a sore necessity.

"I wish she had come down to breakfast." It will have been perceived that old Lady Lufton had heard nothing of Major Grantly's offence; that she had no knowledge that Grace had already made havoc, as she had called it, had, in truth, made very sad havoc, at Plumstead.