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Lena, can't we believe that our marriage certificate had an affection insurance policy given with it? Don't let us indulge in little quarrels. As you say, they are vulgar. I want love to be not only a rich solid pudding full of plums, but I want it to have a meringue on top." As he hoped, this made Lena laugh, and she pulled out her over-scented handkerchief to wipe her eyes.

In the years to be when the history of the West shall be fully told, it may become one of the Nation's shrines. But now in this dim morning light it showed only an insignificant elevation. Its sandy surface was grown over with tall sage grasses and weeds. A few wild plums and alder bushes, a clump of low willow shrubs, and a small cottonwood tree completed its vegetation.

But apart from these three colours, which have a sort of resonance, and burst forth like songs of joy in these transparent pictures, others grow more sober; the violets are like Orleans plums or purple egg-fruit, the browns are of the hue of burnt sugar, the chive-coloured greens turn dark.

"We always may do as we like with that tree," said Johnny, "because they are so nasty, and won't keep." "How nice for the preserves!" observed Bobus. "They would do just as well to hinder Mother Carey from catching it." "No, no, boys; I ought to 'catch it! It was all my fault for not putting the plums away."

He set his invention to work, and he did not want for ingenuity, to devise means of cheating without running the risk of detection. He observed that the younger part of the community were extremely fond of certain coloured sugar plums, and of burnt almonds. * Poco e spesso empie il l'orsetto.

She was seated in her mother's lap, covered with kisses, her wound bathed with lavender-water, by one of the Miss Steeles, who was on her knees to attend her, and her mouth stuffed with sugar plums by the other. With such a reward for her tears, the child was too wise to cease crying.

"You won't tell of us," growled Robin, between lips that he opened wide enough the next moment to admit one of three surviving plums. "If I tell her I left them about in the boys' way, she will arrive at the natural conclusion." "Do they call those things magnum bonum?" asked Janet, as the boys drifted away.

"When I was quite little that used to be so with me. Do you remember when I was punished once about some plums? You were all dancing, and I sat sobbing in the schoolroom? I shall never forget it: I felt sad and sorry for everyone, for myself, and for everyone. And I was innocent that was the chief thing," said Natasha. "Do you remember?" "I remember," answered Nicholas.

But what surprised me more was to find that apples, pears, peaches, plums, grapes, apricots all the fruits do well on this soil. With us I think the pear would not do well on peat; but here it withstood last year's flood, which broke a levee and overflowed Mr. Bigelow's farm, and the trees do not appear to have suffered.

Don't pick 'em, for they'd pucker up your mouth and Ooo! here come plums!" and she tucked her apple in her apron pocket and captured three plums each one almost as big as an egg before they disappeared. Cap'n Bill got some too, but both were too hungry to fast any longer, so they began eating their apples and plums and let the magic bush bear all sorts of fruits, one after another.