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""Take your paws off that old butcher of your'n," returns this pesterin' Witherspoon, "an' I'll tell the story. But you've got to quit triflin' with that 'leven-inch knife ontil I'm plumb through, or I'll fool you up a lot an' jest won't tell it."

Drawing away from his supporting arm, she answered, quietly: "I ain't no child, no more, Mr. Burns: I'm sure a woman, now. I'm just as much a woman as as she is, if I be like what I am. I'm plumb sorry I had ter do this; but I just naturally couldn't help hit. You ain't got no call ter be scared I'll do hit again."

I've had three years' campaignin' with th' fightin', bitin' Ninth, An' never lost my temper 'till right now. I've had the yaller fever an I've been shot full of holes, I've grabbed an army mule plumb by its tail; I've never been so snortin', really highfalutin' mad As when y'u up an' hands me ginger ale!

If he was wounded, they had to be someplace where he could rest up. Ain't that so? Well, sir, that's what the goodness of Jack Hollis amounted to. No, sir, he was bad. Plumb bad and all bad! "But he had them qualities that a young gent with an imagination is apt to cotton to. He was free with his money. He dressed like a dandy.

Everyone thinks he's plumb crazy now, even if they didn't when he said Eloise Plummer was as beautiful as the morning star. But you can't tell. He's getting money every month from his uncle in Cincinnati to improve the place. He's sent the uncle a photo of it and it must look good back in Cincinnati, where you can't see the surrounding country.

Out of the dead silence came Shiller's voice from the door: "I'll fill the first man that makes a move plumb full of buckshot. If there's any shootin' in here, I'm doin' it myself." He held a pump gun at his shoulder, the muzzle dominating the group. "You, Tom," he continued, "you said you wouldn't make trouble." "Am I makin' it?" asked McHale. "Are you makin' it?" Shiller repeated.

"I guess ef anybody stared steady at you fur better'n three months you'd want to kill him too. Anyway, that's how I felt about it; an' I told Jack yesterday soon as he waked up in th' mornin', an' while he was plumb sober that ef he didn't let up on it I'd go fur him sure.

If I can't be a woman to you, at least I can be a pal the best you've had in these parts. Nope, I'll see you through. Better saddle now " "And start back for Drew?" There was the thrust that made her start, as if the knife went through tender flesh. "Are you such a plumb fool as that?" "Go now, Sally. I tell you, it's no use. I won't leave the trail of Drew."

The able surveyor will know by instinct how to use all the inferior methods as supplements to the higher, whenever time demands and accuracy allows. When first searching a site, note the direction of any wall to the horizon point, and so see if other walls are parallel. In all cases a plumb line is wanted for alining foundations and scattered blocks.

He was shot plumb center both his eyes shot out!... Wade was shot low down.... Montana an' me agreed thet Jack throwed his gun first an' Wade killed him after bein' mortal shot himself." Late that afternoon, as Columbine lay upon her bed, the strange stillness of the house was disturbed by a heavy tread. It passed out of the living-room and came down the porch toward her door.