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He's over at home now, stouter and in better trim than he ever was in his life. He appeared to me in the orchard whar we was packin' peaches, an' I was plumb flabbergasted. It seems that he would have reported sooner if he had been fully at hisself.

Stanley still grinned. "As my own legal adviser," he returned calmly, "I hereby declare that you can go plumb to HEL-ena." Stanley evidently felt impelled to adapt his vocabulary to feminine ears, for he glanced at them deprecatingly and as if he wished them elsewhere.

She looks up at him quick from her muff, plumb serious, and just put out her hand on his, in its white glove. We moved right along up the avenue, along a little crooked street or so, round a corner and over the bridge; and then we come out where the lights was in a long row again, and we could hear the roar of the lake right close to the road.

"Ma'am, suppose you had a well plumb full of nitroglycerin in your back yard; suppose there was a forest fire comin' your way from all sides; would you like to have people talk about the nitroglycerin and that forest fire meeting? Even the talk would give you chills. That's the way it is with Pierre and McGurk.

They were given tickets marked with the amount due them. These they could use for money at the company store. "And the prices there are sky-high!" Grandma wrathfully told Grandpa, waving a pound of coffee before his eyes. "Thirty-five cents, and not the best grade, mind you! Pink salmon higher than red ought to be. Bread fifteen cents a loaf! Milk sky-high and Carrie plumb dry!"

The pure misery of it jes made him plumb delirious, Abe said; an' 'f Polly Ann wanted to find her match fer languige an' talkin' out peert well, she jes ought to strike Jeb Somers.

"And the kid lit his cigarette while Meldrum, crazy as a hydrophobia skunk, had his gun trained on him?" "That's right. Stood there with a kind o' you-be-damned placard stuck all over him, then got out the makings and lit up. He tilted back that handsome head of his and blew a smoke wreath into the air. Looked like he'd plumb wiped Mr. Meldrum off his map.

No it ain't, I tell you; after that, it's the bughouse for yours. It's the thinking, it's the thinking that does it every time. It's the last stage, George. You'll be clean, plumb batty inside o' six months." The dog got up, after two unsuccessful attempts. Never did I see such a strange sight in any animal. He put out one paw and staggered to the right.

The man's black eyes snapped with a blazing fire that seemed ready to leap like a crouched tiger. "Through with me, are you? Going to use that grand-stander Yeager instead, I reckon. That's the game, is it?" "I'm not discussing my plans with you." "Ain't you? Well, I'll discuss mine to this extent. I'll make you sick of this day's work all right before I'm through with you. Get that? Plumb sick."

"Laurely!" he gasped, "this hyar thing plumb knocks me down; it jes takes the breath o' life out'n me!" She hesitated for a moment. Any anxiety, any trouble, seemed so incongruous with the sweet spring-tide peace in the air, that one did not readily take it home to heart.