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His nose was as large as a hen's egg, and as purple as a plum. Still it was not much disproportioned to the rest of his swollen face; and the whole resembled the unearthly phiz of the most bloated gnome that watched over the slumbers of Rip Van Winkle. Some weeks had passed since the bear hunt.

Jest laughs till he's sick every time he an' ol' John gits together. It's plum ridic'lous." The "Colonel" turned serious long enough to give him time to explain in a quivering, joyous tone: "0l' John, he just sets beside me and says the gol' darndest funniest things!" He could get no further. His last words were blown out in a gale of laughter. Mrs. Lukins had sat down with her knitting.

The liquid is then strained so as to separate the stones and other substances, when it is ready for use, and a most luxurious beverage it is, in its taste bearing some resemblance to filberts and cream. A palm called the "assai" has a small sloe-like fruit which produces a similar beverage thick and creamy, and of a fine plum colour.

Let it rise an hour before the fire, then mix it well together, add two pounds of currants carefully cleaned, butter the tin, and bake it. PLUM JAM. Cut some ripe plums to pieces, put them into a preserving pan, bruise them with a spoon, warm them over the fire till they are soft, and press them through a cullender.

"Back at Dry Bottom," said Ferguson presently, "there was a man shootin' at a can when I struck town. He put five bullets through the can. Was that your range boss?" Stafford smiled. "That was Leviatt my range boss," he returned. "We went over to Dry Bottom to get a gunfighter. We wanted a man who could shoot plum quick. He'd have to be quick, for Radford's lightnin' with a six.

He was not even allowed to pick over the plums for the pies, unless under the steady watch of his mother's eyes. Once she seemed to see him approach a plum to his mouth when her back was towards him. "What are you doing, Ephraim?" she said, and her voice sounded to the boy like one from the Old Testament. He put the plum promptly into the bowl instead of his mouth.

And it's `Happy New Year' and plum pudding for dinner, so I don't sink you ought to be discontented!" "You are quite right, dear, it's very naughty of us. Just run upstairs to the schoolroom, and get tidy for tea, there's a good little Mouse. Shut the door behind you, for there's a fearful draught."

The hand that holds the purse strings is the hand that rules, if it knows how to rule; for rule is power plus ability. I was not master because I had the plum tree. I had the plum tree because I was master. The legislature attended to such of the demands of my combine and such of the demands of the public as I thought it expedient to grant, and then adjourned. Woodruff asked a three months' leave.

Warm and cold climates have much influence on the duration of plants, and, in some few instances, plants that are annual in cold climates become perennial when transplanted into warm regions, and the contrary when transplanted from warm to cold ones. There are some kinds of trees that are very short-lived, as the peach and the plum; others reach a great age, as the pear and the apple.

"That's jest like you, Tom Bates," retorted the woman passionately. "Befo' you'd do a lick of honest work you'd let the roof topple plum down upon our heads." For an instant Dan's glance cut the man like a whip, then crossing to the woodpile, he lifted the axe and sent it with a clean stroke into a hickory log.