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The expression of his eyes was hidden behind gold-rimmed spectacles. It would have been impossible for a European to guess his age, anything between twenty-five and fifty. His thick, plum-coloured hair was brushed up on his forehead in a butcher-boy's curl. His teeth glittered with dentist's gold. He wore a tweed suit of bright pea-soup colour, a rainbow tie and yellow boots.

Mix was only pretending to be deceived. "Oh, my, no," she said over her shoulder. "I've had this since the Flood." Mr. Mix had also risen, to hand her back to her seat, and now he stood looking down at her. She was wearing a gown of rustling, plum-coloured taffeta, with cut-steel buttons; and at her belt there was a Dutch silver châtelaine which had been ultra-smart when she had last worn it.

We found ourselves in a drab-coloured passage that was not only narrow and dirty but desolatingly empty, and then he opened a door and revealed my aunt sitting at the window with a little sewing-machine on a bamboo occasional table before her, and "work" a plum-coloured walking dress I judged at its most analytical stage scattered over the rest of the apartment.

Farther on, chequered by shade, stood the quaint brick row of professors' houses, with sloping eaves and recessed entrances of granite a subject for an old English print.... Along the border of the Common were interspersed among the ancient dormitories and halls the new and dignified buildings of plum-coloured brick that still preserved the soul of Silliston.

Amidst the calamities of the State and the disaster that overwhelmed himself, he preserved an unruffled spirit, reading for the refreshment of his mind in his Lucretius, which he carried with him wherever he went in the gaping pocket of his plum-coloured surtout. Évariste Gamelin pushed open the door of his lodging.

Its only adornment was the picture, above its principal door, of what once was a negro boy. This picture now was weathered into a faded plum-coloured suit and a pair of silver shoe-buckles there was nothing left of the boy himself but the whites of his eyes. The tavern is placed where men moving in the new ways of a busy and adventurous world would not see it, for they would not be there.

Rapidly we fly down-stream, past Abu Simbel, past the sweeps of deep rich yellow sand seen nowhere south of Assouan in such glorious colouring; sand that is swept smooth by the wind into great banks and drifts with sharp edges like snow-drifts; past masses of plum-coloured rock sticking up out of it; past defiles of stony mountains falling sheer to the water; hiding here and there in their folds tiny villages indistinguishable from the rocks without glasses.

Too completely prostrate with events to retort, she suddenly let drop her gown, that she had kept so carefully turned, and clapped both her hands upon her face. Then came a real, genuine question from the next door casement Mrs. Green's. "Ain't that your plum-coloured gownd? What's come to it?" Mrs. Peckaby, somewhat aroused, looked at the gown in haste. What had come to it?

Harding who, in the stress of this fulfilment had become plum-coloured and to Gregory Jardine. Then she was seated. Mrs.

The ladies looked at him, at his thimble, then at each other, tossed their heads, and walked on. Then came a very ugly woman the exquisite put the thimble resolutely behind his back. Next back, under her plum-coloured umbrella, returned the grisette. At once the dandy stood forward. "Mademoiselle, as you passed just now, assuredly you dropped this." "Mais, Monsieur! ce n'est pas possible.