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Mark the prophecy which I now make: when this tale is published in a volume its success will be great. You will be recognised, Miss Dora, as the new writer for modern English girls. The subject of this panegyric coloured a little and laughed. Unmistakably she was pleased.

From all that I have heard of the Salvation Army work in connection with the soldiers carried on under your direction, I think it is simply wonderful, and if there is any service that I can render you or the Army, I should be exceedingly pleased. I have read "Souls in Khaki," and I wish that everyone might read it, for could they do so, your million-dollar fund would be easily raised.

"What a good thing it was I didn't make Phil run away before I found out what a nice little boy he was," she said to herself. "I must look out my old reading books to-night. I shall so like teaching him, poor little boy, and the cuckoo will be pleased at my doing something useful, I'm sure." Tea was quite ready, in fact waiting for her, when she came in.

And indeed he had, on the instant when his eyes fell upon the Reuton Star. Miss Thornhill approached, her dark smiling eyes on Magee. Kendrick looked at her proudly, and spoke suddenly, determinedly: "You're right, I will forget. She shall help me." "Mr. Magee," said the girl, "I'm so pleased at the splendid end to your impulsive philanthropy.

And well might they apprehend so: For who do you think he is? No other than that Solmes Could you have believed it? And they are all determined too; my mother with the rest! Dear, dear excellence! how could she be thus brought over, when I am assured, that on his first being proposed she was pleased to say, That had Mr.

He put his head down, and I said "that I didn't want to give up the money before all these people; that then they would want their money back; but you offer to bet me again, and I will bet the $800 against your pistol." That pleased him. "All right," he said, and the $800 and pistol went up in my partner's hands. Over went the wrong card.

I premise a few general rules on that point, on the nature, namely, of the evidence to be received in such cases. Meanwhile be pleased to observe, for example, that I could press into my service Claudian's famous line, Ille Caledoniis posuit qui castra pruinis.

There was great comfort to her in this hour to remember that her father had been interested in her missionary, and had expressed a hope that she might meet him again some day. She thought her father would have been pleased at the choice she had made, for he had surely seen the vision of what was really worth while in life before he died.

"I am ready and willing," said he, "to do my duty in that sphere of life to which it has pleased God to call me." And it was evident that he thought that the sphere to which he had been called was that special chapel opposite to the vicarage entrance.

As to the wine twenty years in the cellar, of ten men, three say this, merely because they must say something; three are telling a lie, when they say they have had the wine twenty years; three would rather save the wine; one, perhaps, cares. I allow it is something to please one's company: and people are always pleased with those who partake pleasure with them.