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All things were real to this man, this uncouth mass of flesh that his companions sneered at; most real of all, the unhelped pain of life, the great seething mire of dumb wretchedness in streets and alleys, the cry for aid from the starved souls of the world. You and I have other work to do than to listen, pleasanter.

In shape it is something like a dog's leg, even as Italy is like a man's leg. The weather in Malacca is much pleasanter than in most parts of India, because the sea-breezes make the air fresh. There is no rainy season, as in most hot countries, but a shower cools the air almost every day. The country, too, is beautiful, for there are mountains, and forests, and streams.

Their humble little hopes and means to come to union approached, after a fashion, hymning at his ears. Those two were pleasanter to look on than amorous lords and great ladies, who are interesting only when they are wicked.

"Do I? I don't see how; but I 'm glad to hear you say so," cried Polly, much touched. "I can't tell you how, exactly; but you brought something into my house that makes it warmer and pleasanter, and won't quite vanish, I hope, when you go away, my child." Polly had never heard Mr.

Peckover, soothingly. "Talk about something pleasanter. Let's hear how you come back to England." "I can't rightly fix it when Mary first begun to drop out of my head like," Mat continued, abstractedly pursuing his previous train of recollections. "I used to think of her often enough, when I started for my run in the wild country.

There is no pleasanter place in the North for a summer residence, but there is a certain element of monotony and weariness inseparable from an excursion: travelers have been known to yawn even on the Rhine. It was a gray day, the country began to show the approach of autumn, and the view from the landing at Caldwell's, the head of the lake, was never more pleasing.

I shall always have a high respect for laundry-work in future, but I do not think it can often have to cope with such thick garments as we wear. 'Washing over, one can devote oneself to pleasanter occupations. The awakened sleeper devours the dainty morsel, grunts his satisfaction, and goes placidly off into dreamland again.

"Say," Pearl began after a pause, "who does the cow over there with the horns bent down look like? Someone we both know, only the cow looks pleasanter." "My word!" the Englishman exclaimed, "you're a rum one." Pearl looked disappointed. "Animals often look like people," she said. "We have two cows at home, one looks like Mrs.

"I've only been out in a boat on the pond, and I think this is pleasanter." They did little talking on that drive. Mrs. Nancy was too entirely absorbed in her new experience to have much to say.

"But I wouldn't rather stay, father. I only thought it would be much pleasanter to ride." "Ah, to be sure!" said Mr Gregory grimly, and with a sarcastic smile. "Widgeon, run round the corner and call a couple of hansom cabs." The men laughed and Mark flushed up. "Couldn't we ride as well in a boat as in a hansom cab, Mr Gregory?" he said. "Done!" cried Gregory, giving his leg a slap.