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His temper was too amiable and serene for stinging wit or biting sarcasm, but he had a playful humor which kept the minds of his hearers in that receptive and compliant state which disposed them the more readily to give full and generous consideration to all the strong parts of his argument. It might well indeed be said of Mr. Seward as Mr.

Lovely maidens sit in close proximity to the roots of the lovely trees singing the most lovely songs while they play with all kinds of lovely objects as for example golden ingots, silvery fishes, crans of herrings, drafts of eels, codlings, creels of fingerlings, purple seagems and playful insects.

The consul smiled at this amiable solution of a mystery. It was undoubtedly the playful mischievousness of the vivacious MacSpadden. He placed it in water intending to wear it in his coat at dinner as a gentle recognition of the fair donor's courtesy. Night had thickened suddenly as from a passing cloud.

Hawkehurst held very firmly to their several opinions, and the argument was almost a quarrel one of those little playful quarrels which form some of the most delicious phases of a flirtation. "I would not mind wagering a fortune if I had one on the certainty of rain," cried Charlotte with kindling eyes.

His characterization, however, is more marked with serious satire than playful ridicule: the later Roman satirists, rather than the comic authors, were his models.

"Your monthly return of men wishing to change their religion is twenty-four hours overdue. Please expedite." There was a time when one laughed at that anecdote as a playful invention. But we know now that it is true, and we feel a sort of pride in the truly British imperturbability of our official machinery. Thirdly, the Buzzer is a humourist, of the sardonic variety.

"Then you give her credit for less individuality you think her more at the mercy of her surroundings than I do," I said. But before she could answer me, Evadne herself had joined us. I suppose I was looking grave, for she asked in a playful tone: "Did he ever frolic, Lady Adeline, this solemn seeming Don?

I therefore shall follow the advice of my sister, thanks to our mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, and thus end, not only my moral ebullition, but my letter." His playful tenderness lavished itself on his wife in a thousand quaint ways.

One of these is the Wounded Adonis cared for by Venus and the Loves; in which the story is treated with a playful pathos wonderfully charming.

He flushed, looking up at her, spoke coaxingly, merrily, a trifle embarrassed by his own temerity, yet keen to prove his point and acquire possession of this so coveted joy. Katherine hesitated. She was tempted to put aside his question with some playful excuse. And yet, where was the use?