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The brakeman of those days, almost as greasy and smoke begrimed as a fireman, spent most of his time on the swaying platforms between cars amid showers of cinders and clouds of blinding dust. At every call for brakes he was obliged to spring to the wheels of the two entrusted to his care and set them up by hand with the utmost exercise of his strength.

"The issue turns upon no such absurdities, neither does it rest with any consideration of so-called platforms free trade, civil service, free navigation, tariff reform, and all the rest of those things. The real issue is between civilization and barbarism, between peace and war. "Be warned in this great strait. I believe we need few principles, but universal ones.

On entering the PALACE OF MECHANICAL ARTS, three elevated traveling cranes running from end to end of the structure, attracted our attention. They had been utilized in the work of construction, as well as in moving the machines presented to view. The platforms erected upon them, gave us occasion to look upon the entire machinery exhibition.

On the station platforms there are always two or three wooden packing-boxes, apparently marked for travel, but they are sacred from disturbance and remain on the platform forever; possibly the right train never comes along.

He was speedily fatigued by this excessive haste. He asked Howard to slacken his speed. Presently he was in a lift that had a window upon the great street space, but this was glazed and did not open, and they were too high for him to see the moving platforms below. But he saw people going to and fro along cables and along strange, frail-looking ridges.

Some of these served as halls of audience or of justice; others enclosed the baths of the king, the queen, and their children. Sleeping apartments still remain, where the couches were disposed either in alcoves, or upon platforms covered with the peculiar pavement already alluded to; but always near a fountain, the unceasing murmur of whose dreamy voice might sooth the occupants to repose.

This person stayed close beside Graham and Asano on the swift way, shouting to the people who swarmed on the lower platforms as he rushed past them. His cry about Ostrog alternated with some incomprehensible orders. Presently he went leaping down and disappeared. Graham's mind was filled with the din. His plans were vague and unformed.

"I think that there is something up, Major. I can hear noises somewhere near where Mr. Hunter's bungalow was." "What sort of noises, Richards?" "There is a sort of murmur, as if there were a good many men there." "Well, gentlemen, we had better go to our posts," the Major said. "Doolan, please place your watch on the platforms by the wall. I will take my party up onto the terrace.

By a series of platforms or terraces, which were in fact the roofs of the houses, one mounted to the upper stories which formed the apex of the pueblo.

"You mean that she professes to act on the new theories? The stuff that awful women rave about on platforms?" "Oh, I don't think she pretended to have a theory " "She hadn't even that excuse?" "She had the excuse of her loneliness, her unhappiness of miseries and humiliations that a woman like you can't even guess.