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Come on, Dreiser, I know just the place for us " and then descanting on a steak or fish planked, or some new method of serving corn or sweet potatoes or tomatoes, he would lead the way somewhere to a favorite "rat's killer," as he used to say, or grill or Chinese den, and order enough for four or five, unless stopped.

It was built to carry rafts of logs through from time to time a chute, planked in on either side, with the entrance formed by the cutting down of the top of the dam there a few feet. There was no great depth of water in the flume no one seemed to know just how much. It depended on the height of water in the stream. Now the girl, waving to Harvey and Henry Burns, cried shrilly for them to watch.

"I did my best, Miss Carrington," he said, "but as yet they're a primitive people among these mountains and it's not to be wondered at, with that huge rampart between them and civilization. 'Something nice for a lady? the storekeeper said. 'Guess I've just got it. And he planked down a salmon-fed reistit ham and this bottle of ancient candy, with the dead flies thrown in.

Besides, were there not always refrigerators and condensing machinery? Upon which Swakopmund was forced into existence planked down there bit by bit in the face of circumstance. Walk a trifle over a thousand yards from the edge of the changeful Atlantic through Swakopmund's deep sandy streets and you get the key to the town.

Opportunity had also been taken, I noticed, to secure the broken engine- room skylight in a more substantial way than formerly, and so prevent any more green seas from flooding the hold, the opening having been planked over by the carpenter, and heavy bars of railroad iron, which formed part of our cargo, laid across, instead of the tarpaulin that was deemed good enough before and had given way when Mr Stokes poor man and the first mate and myself got washed down the hatchway by a wave that came over the side, crumpling the flimsy covering as if it were tissue paper.

He started me off upon the letter A, and then he left me; but he would drop in from time to time to see that all was right with me. At two o'clock he bade me good-day, complimented me upon the amount that I had written, and locked the door of the office after me. "This went on day after day, Mr. Holmes, and on Saturday the manager came in and planked down four golden sovereigns for my week's work.

As San Francisco grew, however, under the impetus which the discovery of gold gave to it, the streets were naturally multiplied; and, to overcome the mire in wet weather and also the sand of the dry season, which made it difficult for pedestrians to walk hither and thither or for vehicles to move to and fro, they were planked in due time.

It has no name. Besides, I like you English. You are terrible, but one can count on you.... Vous y êtes?" "J'y suis," replied Mr. Prohack, ravished. Lady Massulam in her agitation picked up the tumbler and sipped. "Pardon!" she cried, aghast. "It is yours," and planked the tumbler down again on the lacquered table. Mr. Prohack had the wit to drink also.

The well remained, although it had been planked over, but it was partially filled up with rubbish, as Rosa discovered when she peered into it. Only a tiny pool of scum was in the bottom. After a long scrutiny the girl arose, convinced at last of her brother's delusion, and vaguely ashamed of her own credulity.

One was still in hand, a new invention, the king's latest born: a European frame-house built for coolness inside a lofty maniap': its roof planked like a ship's deck to be a raised, shady, and yet private promenade.