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"No mistake, Pete. He would have turned savage, and dragged you off as easily as he lifted you up, then knocked you down with his trunk and perhaps trampled you into the mud." "Perhaps you are right, sir; and it wouldn't have been very pleasant. But hark! There's a helephant coming, and you can hear the suck, suck, suck of his feet in the mud plainer and plainer.

It did indeed deceive me, but this shall tell the truth from the start." "I do wish you had not bought it just yet. Everyone will make remarks about it. Something plainer would not proclaim our secret to the world as this will surely do." "Yet I thought it not good enough for the dear hand that was to wear it. Let me put it on, Dexie.

It is plainer than ever that she adores heroic action, that her ardor in behalf of the North is scarcely less than that of my mother for the South, and yet she thinks I am not brave enough to face a musket What a figure I make beside the men of whom we have heard to-night! Well, to get away, to be constantly employed, is my only hope.

"'Deed, miss, I'se 'fraid!" "What! with the candle, you blockhead?" "Lors, miss, de candle wouldn't be no 'tection! I'd see de ghoses all de plainer wid de candle!" "What a provoking, stupid dolt! You're a proper maid afraid to do my bidding! Afraid of ghosts, forsooth. Well, I suppose I shall have to go myself plague on you for an aggravating thing!

Bob was not altogether the man she had thought; there were things that jarred, and his letters gradually made this plainer. Still she had meant to keep her promise, and his withdrawal hurt. She had borne something for his sake, because her mother and her relations had not approved the engagement. Then she roused herself and turned to Festing.

A plainer violation of the Constitution would be difficult to imagine. Yet Marshall's decision setting aside the act was followed by a renewed effort to procure the repeal of Section XXV of the Judiciary Act. The discussion of the proposal threw into interesting contrast two points of view.

He shot a look at her that frightened her, but gratified her too. Was she rousing him at last? "Yes, if you like," he said, quietly enough. "I'm having a hard enough time with the fool without a woman being mixed up in the affair." "I don't understand," said Marion. "You don't understand!" he repeated. "Of course not. Women never understand until afterwards. I'll make it plainer.

The people are only now coming out of church. "I have settled to put my letter on one side, and to take a look at my diary. In plainer words I must see what I risk if I decide on trusting you; and my diary will show me what my head is too weary to calculate without help. If I end in doing what it is now in my mind to do, it would be madness to trust to my memory.

But the change grew plainer as months passed on; and some weeks before the time appointed for his return, the letters ceased altogether. This conduct grieved me, certainly, yet I was more perplexed than unhappy. It never occurred to me to doubt his love; I thought there must be some mistake, some offence unwittingly given, and I looked to his coming to clear away all doubt and trouble.

Mary Garth seemed all the plainer standing at an angle between the two nymphs the one in the glass, and the one out of it, who looked at each other with eyes of heavenly blue, deep enough to hold the most exquisite meanings an ingenious beholder could put into them, and deep enough to hide the meanings of the owner if these should happen to be less exquisite.