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'Aunt Betsey let her boys go, and they never came to grief, began Harry. 'Aunt Betsey's ideas and mine differ. Children are not brought up now as they were in her day, answered mamma with a superior air. 'I just wish they were. Jolly good times her boys had. 'Yes, and girls too, playing anything they liked, and not rigged up and plagued with company, cried Kitty, with sudden interest.

He himself, in the old days, had plagued his landladies by insisting upon method and routine, by his faddish attention to domestic minutiae; he now learnt what it was to be subjected to the same kind of despotism, exercised with much more exasperating persistence. Whereas Mrs. Elderfield had scrupulously obeyed every direction given by her lodger, Mrs.

"Deep enough to sink you and your notions and all that's like to come of 'em. Darned if I ain't got the most lubberly company ever mortal man was plagued with. Officers and men, there en't one of you as is worth your salt, and you with your long face and your notions why, hang me, you're no more good than the dirtiest waister afloat." Mr. Toley smiled sadly, and ventured on no rejoinder.

This formality concluded, he required it of Red Hoss that he recount in their proper chronological order those various strokes of ill fortune which lately had plagued him; after which Daddy Hannah asked to see the talisman which coincidentally had been in the victim's ownership from beginning to culmination of the enumerated catastrophes.

We must do better to-morrow. June 20. Kept my word, being Teind Wednesday. Two young Frenchmen, friends of Gallois, rather interrupted me. I had asked them to breakfast, but they stayed till twelve o'clock, which is scarce fair, and plagued me with compliments. Their names are Rémusat and Guyzard. Pleasant, good-humoured young men.

For pity's sake, don't come to that! 'But I must, Daisy, for it is true. Oh, if you had only been a naughty little girl! 'What and had it out then? said Daisy, who was lying across the bed, and put her golden head caressingly on Ethel's knee. 'If I had plagued you then, you would have broken me in out of self-defence. 'Something like it, said Ethel.

Snow speak, that Pollyanna, in spite of herself, could but hear what she had to say. "Listen, child, I don't think you know quite what you've done. But I wish you could! There's a little look in your eyes, my dear, to-day, that I don't like to see there. You are plagued and worried over something, I know. I can see it.

"The girl's wonderful," admitted Carraway. "She's like a dressed-up doll-baby, too; all the natural thing has been squeezed out of her, and she's stuffed with sawdust." "It's a pity she ain't a little better looking in the face," pursued Fletcher, waving the criticism aside. "She's a plagued sight too pale and squinched-up for my taste for all her fine air.

But we never regarded a gummy substance exuding from all parts of the tree, which plagued us for some time afterwards, destroying the stockings, and very, very difficult to get off, also blistering the skin a little, but these sheathes for the leaves of the Ita palm really made capital shoes. We had only to dry them a little in the sun.

Franz von Welemisl, who was wont to creep like her shadow, and who was again a guest at the Tetzels' house, had been kept within doors by the cough that plagued him. Likewise I looked in vain for Herdegen. The first dance indeed was ended when he came in with my great-uncle; but the old knight looked less confidently than he had done in the morning.