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Those three volumes having been published from A.D. 1838 to 1840, Pope Pius IX and the two named Emperors to whom the world's attention is now directed, have not been mentioned in those volumes nor known to mortal men, that they will occupy the position, on which they appear according to prophecies, nor they themselves nor other men know at this time that position, if they have not studied the magnetic chain exhibited in those volumes to bind the dragon, Revel, xx.:2, the large serpent, the image of the spirit of delusion and destruction by whom rulers and their supporters have been inspired with such a madness as to apply their studies how to kill men in the most cunning manner and to strip the remnant of their property and keep them in bondage.

For that reason, also, Pope Pius is reported to have said that there were certain reasons why marriage was taken away from priests, but that there were far weightier ones why it ought to be given back; for so Platina writes. Since, therefore, our priests were desirous to avoid these open scandals, they married wives, and taught that it was lawful for them to contract matrimony.

The mystic life of Christ in the Church, which will end on the Judgment Day. These divisions make up the four parts of the Roman Breviary. The first part, Pars Prima, contains the Pontifical Bull, Quod a nobis, of Pope Pius V. . It states: 1. That the cause of the new edition was to remove the regrettable variety in the public liturgy. 2.

Pius VI., without a protest, surrendered his millions of francs, and ancient bronzes, costly pictures, and priceless manuscripts. Austria had lost fourteen battles, and all her Italian possessions were grouped together into a Cisalpine republic! Another Helvetic republic was set up in Switzerland, and still another republic created in Holland under a French protectorate.

No amount of simple statement can convey an adequate notion of the corrupt state of the clergy at the time. To form any just appreciation of this, it is necessary to take a peep at some of the documents that have survived such a document, for instance, as that Bull of this Pope Pius II which forbade priests from plying the trades of keeping taverns, gaming-houses, and brothels.

Pius V., to whom Ridolfi had opened the whole matter, highly approved the scheme, and warmly urged Philip's cooperation. Poor and ruined as he was himself; the Pope protested that he was ready to sell his chalices, and even his own vestments, to provide funds for the cause. Philip had replied that few words were necessary to persuade him.

Pius IX had been much afflicted by this unfortunate event; he had not been able to resign himself to the loss of his secretary, and he had given orders that Monsignor Talbot's apartment in the Vatican should be preserved precisely as he had left it, in case of his return. But Monsignor Talbot never returned. Manning's feelings upon the subject appear to have been less tender than the Pope's.

The position of the Huguenots in France, and the proposed resuscitation of the Council of Trent under the auspices of Pope Pius IV., who had succeeded Paul in 1559, had revived ideas of Protestant representation therein; and Elizabeth, after her fashion, played with the hopes of the Catholic party, at home and abroad, that she might be drawn into participation.

The master of ceremonies advanced to the front of the balcony. A pause a silent, dreadful pause! And the bells rang anew, the cannon thundered, drums beat, and trumpets sounded; upon the balcony appeared the new pope, Juan Angelo Braschi, Pius VI., bestowing his blessing upon the kneeling people.

After the victories of his nephew Napoleon in Italy during the following year, he was advised to reassume the clerical habit, and after Napoleon's proclamation of a First Consul, he was made Archbishop of Lyons. In 1802, Pius VII. decorated him with the Roman purple, and he is now a pillar of the Roman faith, in a fair way of seizing the Roman tiara.