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But the wild wish fled, and Wilford's secret was safe, while Marian watched Morris Grant with a pitying interest as he came among them, speaking always in the same kind, gentle tone, and trying so hard to enter into Katy's joy. "His burden is greater than mine. God help us both," Marian said, as she resumed her work.

Roylake; only wretched. When may I expect you? Choose your own evening next week." Who could help pitying him? Compared with my sound sweet dreamless sleep, what dreadful nights were his! I accepted his invitation as a matter of course. When we had completed our arrangements, it was time for me to think of returning to Trimley Deen.

He was afraid of the old woman who smelled of snuff, and who, when she dressed him in the morning, looked at him with a pitying air; he was afraid of the doctor, who climbed the five flights of stairs twice a day now, and left a whiff of perfume behind him; afraid of his father, who did not go to his office any more, whose beard was often three days old, and who feverishly paced the little parlor, tossing back with a distracted gesture the lock of hair behind his ear.

The snow was still coming down in a stealthy and abundant fall, but the wind showed some signs of abating. "They'll find it easier goin', past t' bridge, than it would ha' been an hour since," said old David to Mary, pitying the white anxiety of her face.

Little feet, too weak to wander Where the merry children play; 'Neath the flickering aspen shadows, By broad Quinte's sunny bay. Thoughts of pitying love came thronging As I thought how Jesus came; How He blessed the little children, How He healed the sick and lame. So I asked the little maiden, "Annie, Jesus cares for you If we saw Him now beside us, Can you think what He would do?"

Let us go away and bring him back yes bring him back and there shall be joy for the the sinner that repenteth. Let us go now, directly, dear friend this very " Helen could say no more. She fell back and fainted. She was carried to a bed in the house of the pitying doctor, and the surgeon was called to attend her. She lay all night in an alarming state.

We kept on for a considerable time with that monotonous military chatter which every one who has ever been on an expedition will appreciate; all of us, with one and the same expression, complaining of the dullness and length of the expedition, in one and the same fashion sitting in judgment on our superiors, and all of us likewise, as we had done many times before, praising one comrade, pitying another, wondering how much this one had gained, how much that one had lost, and so on, and so on.

Meanwhile, at Anerley Farm, the usual fatness of full garners, and bright comfort of the evening hearth, the glow of peace, which labor kindles in the mind that has earned its rest, and the pleasant laziness of heart which comes where family love lies careless, confident, and unassailed the pleasure also of pitying the people who never can get in their wheat, and the hot benevolence of boiling down the bones for the man who has tumbled off one's own rick all these blisses, large and little, were not in their usual prime.

But as he walked languidly along, some ladies saw him across the street, and seeing, were moved with pity, and pitying, spoke such soft words that he was tempted to accept their invitation and rest awhile beneath their hospitable roof.

Some of them are doing it as aunts or maiden sisters; some as teachers; some are only humble needlewomen; some are servants in other people's kitchens or nurseries women who would be spoken of by the pitying or slighting name of `old maid, who are yet more worthy of respect for the work they are doing, and for the influence they are exerting, than many a married woman in her sphere.