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Cæsar Borgia was accounted cruel, yet had his cruelty redrest the disorders in Romania, setled it in union, and restored it to peace, and fidelity: which, if it be well weighed, we shall see was an act of more pitty, than that of the people of Florence, who to avoyd the terme of cruelty, suffered Pistoya to fall to destruction.

Nor fruitfull dews, nor drops distil'd from eyes, Which pitty move, and oft deceive the wise: Nor yet of salt and sugar, sweet and smart, Both when we lift to water we convert. Alas thy ships and oars could do no good Did they but want my Ocean and my flood.

At the moment when the eyes had opened, she stretched forth her little arms, and said, eagerly, "Pitty boy, come," and then, as they closed again, she dropped her hands with a sigh of disappointment. Yet, before night, the little stranger sat up in bed, and laughed with pleasure at the treasures of shells and pebbles which the children spread out on the bed before him.

As I came in wet and dripping they leered at me, and one of them said, 'Look at the sweet little ducky poor little darling with her pitty ickle facey-wacey all wet and coldy-woldy. Ted was not near me at the time, but Scott heard, and ten minutes later, as I was changing my clothes, I heard a dreadful noise, and the most awful language, and then a lot of cheering.

The whole Court attended When he was pleasd to speake, and, with such murmours As glad Spectators in a Theater Grace their best Actors with, they ever heard him; When to have had a sight of him was held A prosperous omen; when no eye gazd on him That was not filld with admiration, not As now with scorne or pitty. Daught. I have hope yet To see an alteration. Wife.

"Oo ain't pitty lady," he had said, and Aunt Griselda had risen and pushed him into the hall with sharp, scolding words, and had sat down to darn the muslin ruffle with delicate, old-fashioned stitches. It was only when all living love had failed her that she returned to the dead.

"Now dood-by. Don't lose my pitty fower." Too much confused to say a word Dan scrambled into the waggon, and soon the horses were speeding off down the lane to the road. For some time he sat bolt upright on the seat, silent and thoughtful, clutching in his hand that tiny rose. The big man at his side asked no questions, but seemed intent solely upon managing his horses.

When I had ended my words in this sort, behold, I weeped againe pitteously, and holding up my hands I prayed all the people by the mercy of the Commonweale and for the love of my poore infants and children, to shew me some pitty and favour.

Marie's sweet, pitty man, he is! Come to Marie, boy baby!" "Tell a worl' no, no, no!" yelled Lovin Child, clinging to Cash. "Aw come to Marie, sweetheart! Marie's own lovin' little man baby! You let him go, or I'll I'll kill you. You big brute!" Cash let go, but it was not because she commanded.

The language of Desire, and Aversion, is Imperative; as, Do This, Forbear That; which when the party is obliged to do, or forbear, is Command; otherwise Prayer; or els Counsell. The language of Vaine-Glory, of Indignation, Pitty and Revengefulness, Optative: but of the Desire to know, there is a peculiar expression called Interrogative; as, What Is It, When Shall It, How Is It Done, and Why So?