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Well, so be it; I shall not be the first nor shall I be the last. Many of us merchants have been murdered at inns. But why, good Christian brothers, says he, 'murder my driver? Why should he have to suffer for my money? And he said that so pitifully! And the innkeeper answered him: 'If we leave him alive, said he, 'he will be the first to bear witness against us.

How pitifully bare lay the shortened story of that smothered life. Desire's heart, so much stronger than the heart of her who gave it birth, filled with a great tenderness. She saw herself once more a little frightened child. She felt again that sense of Presence in the room. And knew that, for a child's sake, a gentle soul had not made haste to happiness.

The cow which he brought me was my slave, the unfortunate mother of my son, I tied her, but as I was going to sacrifice her, she bellowed pitifully and I could perceive streams of tears run from her eyes.

Mary sat for some time in sullen silence, and then rose to go. "I can't stay any longer," she said. "I feel too much disgusted with myself for having been such a fool to remain any longer with you." Then, in a burst of passion, she added, "And that girl Mrs. Chance unless she is as pitifully meek and lamb-like as yourself, what a contemptible creature she must think me!

Nancy's capable hands made short work of unpacking the books, the patched undergarments, and the few pitifully unattractive dresses. Pollyanna, smiling bravely now, flew about, hanging the dresses in the closet, stacking the books on the table, and putting away the undergarments in the bureau drawers. "I'm sure it it's going to be a very nice room.

The story was told of him that he could quaff a flagon of ale at a single gulp. Looking at his portrait, one could not help thinking what a pitifully infinitesimal thing a flagon of ale is after all. Morning came and with it a sullen determination to get down to work on my long neglected novel. I went down to breakfast.

I am coming to you. Listen, David; he cries he cries so pitifully; listen! Can't you hear it?" I DID hear it! Clear and distinct, out of the deadly still darkness before us, came a faint, wailing cry. What was it? Was I, too, going mad, or WAS there something out there something that cried and moaned longing for human love, yet ever retreating from human footsteps?

Jimmy's father has been so appreciative of my pitifully small presents to them, that sometimes he has cried over them, and I knew that he was in earnest when he promised to repay me as soon as he possibly could. Now the chance has come. I was there yesterday and he said that he had been thinking about me just before I appeared.

Across the breast of the Virgin's image in the church of Our Lady of Penha in Pernambuco, before which church the Bibles were burned in 1903, are written the following words: "One hundred days' indulgence to the person who will kiss the holy foot of the Holy Virgin." This pitifully expresses, perhaps, the thought behind saint worship.

Often at nightfall she would stand alone, and watch the sun dip into the far waters, leaving the world as gray and colorless as her own life; she would outstretch her arms pitifully empty arms towards the west, and beneath her voice again croon the lullabies of the Pacific, telling of the baby foxes, the soft, furry baby wolves, and the little downy fledglings in the nests.