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He added: "M. de Saint-Aulaire a beaucoup d'esprit. Mais il est devot, et, ce qui pis est, devot honteux. Il va se cacher dans quelque hameau pour faire ses Paques." This was a curious remark from a Bishop. He told several stories about the political men of France; not of any great value in themselves; but his way of telling them was beyond all praise, concise, pointed, and delicately satirical.

It is worse than useless to try to put down by law a practice which a very large number of people believes to be innocent, and which must be left to the taste and conscience of the individual. To the present writer it seems a pis aller which high-minded married persons should avoid if they can practise self-restraint. Whatever injures the feeling of 'sanctification and honour' with which St.

Anyhow, Philip, you may as well make up your mind to accept Doreen as a pis otter for Tony and do it gracefully, my dear man! Mark my words, marriage will be the making of the boy. Every man ought to be married." "I wish you'd held that opinion thirty years ago, Susan," retorted Sir Philip. "I suppose" he hesitated, his eyes curiously soft "it's too late in the day now?"

Pisaro, do not err; I found the Prince and she alone together, He all disorder'd like a Ravisher, Loose and unbutton'd for the amorous play; O that she had another Life to lose! Pis. You wrong her most inhumanly, you do; Her Blood, yet sensible of the injury, Flows to her face to upbraid thy Cruelty. Where dost thou mean, bad Man, to hide thy head?

I feel certain that if we have a night attack at once the Chinese will break in with the greatest ease, and then.... Tant pis! The last thing I saw in the British Legation was M , the great correspondent, sitting on a great stack of his books, looking wearily around him. His former energy and resolution have all departed, sapped by the spectacle of extraordinary incompetence around him.

Already I understood fully the new methods and the new requirements. We rode away, stirrup to stirrup, I, a single white man, with a dozen doubtful adherents, made savage at the idea of loot, as companions, and held to me only by a questionable community of interests. Yet what did it matter, I thought. One lives only once and dies only once. That is elemental truth. So tant pis.

I have kept her at coffee at my house. Tant pis! You have a right to be here!" The concierge drew the curtain a little wider and the cup was exposed. She thrust it back into the shadow; the door opened and Philippe's mother walked in. She was very tall, in black, and a deep veil hung before her face. "Bonjour, madame," she said, and her veiled face dipped in a faint salute. "Will you sit down?"

Among the thin populations and in the remote regions are thousands of weekly papers and you may spell the weekly either with a double e or an ea where there are two men and a boy, one of whom does a little writing and much scissoring, loafing among the corner groceries and worse, begging for subscribers, button-holing for advertisements, and occasionally and indiscriminatingly thrashing or being thrashed by the "esteemed contemporary" or the "outraged citizen;" the second of whom sets the type, reads the proofs, corrects them more or less, makes the rollers, works the old hand press, and curses the editor and the boy impartially; and the third of whom sweeps the office weekly, bi-weekly or monthly, inks the forms and sometimes pis them, carries the papers, and does generally the humble and diversified works of the "printer's devil," while between the three the whole thing periodically goes to the level pretty sure to be reached now and then by papers of this class.

"'Indian summer' would have been a better name." "Tell me about it." "Why do you always want to know?" "I am writing a book." "Tant pis." She was out of temper. The flowers arrived. Old-fashioned pink roses, coral carnations, purple stocks, pink pinks, mauve orchids, moss roses, patterned chintz-like phlox. "Oh!" she said, and for a moment she shut her eyes. Then: "Tell me about her," she said.

You may observe the actions of these Lovers, But be not passionate whate'er you find; That headstrong Devil will undo us all; If you'll be happy, quit its company. Alcip. Pis. Come, clear up, my Lord, and do not hang the head Like Flowers in storms; the Sun will shine again.