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"That's a nice Sam Browne of yours," he observed, noticing the gloss on our adjutant's belt. "I hope you don't take a fancy to it, sir," replied our adjutant quickly. "We're all afraid of you, you know. I've put a double piquet on our waggon lines for fear some of your fellows take a liking to our horses."

He judged others, naïvely, by their language, and if it was free from the oaths and the obscenity which made up the greater part of his own conversation, he looked upon them with suspicion. In the evening the two men played piquet. He played badly but vaingloriously, crowing over his opponent when he won and losing his temper when he lost.

Enough so to make one commit a crime." She looked fixedly in his eyes, and replied: "I should like to see that," and then left him, with superb nonchalance. The General approached, and tapping the Count on the shoulder, said: "Camors! you do not dance, as usual. Let us play a game of piquet."

And to all of this information Uncle Tom would listen, smiling but genuinely interested, while he carved at dinner. One evening, when Uncle Tom had gone to play piquet with Mr. Isham, who was ill, Honora further surprised her aunt by exclaiming: "How can you talk of things other people have and not want them, Aunt Mary?" "Why should I desire what I cannot have, my dear?

Shall I put a stop to it or allow it to continue? Large fortune, isn't there?" M. Derame in his turn showed his despatch to M. Chamblard. They continued to talk, in high good-humor and in excellent accord, and went on with their game of piquet only after having sent the following two telegrams to the Hôtel de Noailles: First despatch to Mme. Derame: "If it pleases you, if it pleases her, yes.

Griff waited at the Mansion-House all night, and helped to board up the smashed windows; but at daylight Colonel Brereton came and insisted on withdrawing the piquet on guard not, however, sending a relief for them, on the plea that they only collected a crowd.

Madame d'Arlange did not perceive her courtier's absence of mind; her questions were of such a length, that she did not care about the answers. Having a listener, she was satisfied, provided that from time to time he gave signs of life. When obliged to sit down to play piquet, he cursed below his breath the game and its detestable inventor. He paid no attention to his cards.

With me a lie is always fresh in my mind; it is a matter of absorbing interest, hence I do not forget myself. Heaven knows the excitement of nursing an innocent deceit and of seeing it grow and flower under my care will be most welcome, for the monotony of this abominable confinement But I must inquire, do you play piquet?"

My friend and I passed the time playing piquet, and listening to our natives, who talked earnestly together, going over many of their strange and thrilling hunting experiences. We understood but little Russian and Aleut, yet their expressive gestures made it quite possible to catch the drift of what was being said.

These were steady enthusiasts of whist and piquet, such as are only to be found in small country circles where society is scarce and amusements few.