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I need not say how relieved I am to find that your opinion coincides with my own." "But," gasped Father Felipe hurriedly, with a quick glance at the others, "it does not follow that it will be necessary to resort to these legal measures. Care, counsel, persuasion " "The general ministering of kinship nursing, a woman's care the instincts of affection," piped Dona Maria in breathless eagerness.

It is the sweet old song, old, yet ever new, whose burden is, Come live with me and be my love," old, yet always new, sweet and tender, and not to be gainsaid, whether it be piped to a shepherdess in Arcadia, or whether a princess hears it from princely lips in her palace on the sea. But the mountain shadows stretch down the valleys and wrap the meadows in twilight.

The runaways dared not repeat the experiments which had been tried with so much apparent success at Havre, for they feared the squadron would be sent to sea again if the drill was not perfect. The various movements were admirably performed, and entirely to the satisfaction of Captain Shuffles. The ship's company were then piped to dinner.

The piper piped a shriller psalm, The dancers thro' their mystery moved, Untouched, untouching, and the twirl That set our giddy heads awhirl, Served but to give their faces calm. We drove from Cairo to the Pyramids of Gizeh, a distance of ten miles, over a substantial macadamized avenue.

Damoetas fluted, and Daphnis piped; the herdsmen, and anon the calves, were dancing in the soft green grass. Neither won the victory, but both were invincible."

Flood Rawley called her the Pied Piper of Jansen, and, indeed, she had a voice that fluted and piped, and yet had so whimsical a note that the hardest faces softened at the sound of it; and she did not keep its best notes for the few. She was impartial, almost impersonal; no woman was her enemy, and every man was her friend and nothing more.

Meantime, baldheaded, weather-beaten Joost de Moor farther pursuit being impossible piped all hands on deck, where officers and men fell on their knees, shouting in pious triumph the 34th Psalm: "I will bless the Lord at all times, His praise shall continually be in my mouth . . . . O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together."

I bet Sammy Pinkney is always up to something." "He likes Tess, Sammy does," piped up Dot, "for he gave her Billy Bumps." Tess grew fiery red. "I don't want boys liking me!" she declared. "Only Neale." "And especially not Sam Pinkney, eh?" said Agnes. "But what happened? You have us all worked up, Tess."

Yorke's "sabbath bonnet;" and it was the recollection of that appalling article of attire which at the present moment was weighing on my own spirits. Here Daisy piped up, also giving voice to the sentiments of her sisters. "Mrs. Yorke is very nice," she said, "and we love her lots, but in her Sunday clothes she don't seem like Mrs. Yorke." It was even so. Mrs.

The captain went and walked in the waist with brief, irate turns; Herrick leaned his arms on the taffrail; the crew had all turned in. The ship had a gentle, cradling motion; at times a block piped like a bird. On shore, through the colonnade of palm stems, Attwater's house was to be seen shining steadily with many lamps.