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The little seamstress knelt now at her feet, pinning up the hem of a black silk polonaise, and turning her head from time to time to ask Mrs. Pendleton if she was "getting the proper length."

She was pinning the shawl at her throat after a short call, before going out; and she gave me her direct, reproachful look, as though I had been teasing her. But I was not teasing her; my heart yearned over her where she stood, facing the dark. "I will tell you what I have read," I said, "as I walk home with you. You are 'helping' them at your own father's again now?" She bowed her head.

The author's sympathy is his password, a sympathy which he occasionally exposes, for he is not above pinning his heart to his sleeve, as, for example, when he says, "In spite of Augustus's boast, the city was not by any means of marble.

You may depend upon it, that girl is at the back of all this fuss! Gee, when I've nothing else to do, I'm going to study up on this association of ideas stuff." "You don't need it you can get at things without a bit of trouble," Betty assured him affectionately. "How will you go about pinning down Ada?" Bob asked anxiously.

"La, sir, she is in London along with her ma; why, 'tis for her they are gone; to insult the great doctors." He started. "She is not ill? Nothing serious?" "Well, sir, we do hope not. She is pinning a bit, as young ladies will." Alfred was anything but consoled by this off-hand account; he became alarmed, and looked wretched.

The effect of Gillespie’s speech was so great, as not only to convince the Assembly, but also to astonish and confound Seldon himself, who is reported to have exclaimed in a tone of bitter mortification, “That young man, by this single speech, has swept away the learning and labour of ten years of my life!” Those who were clustered together in the passage near the door, remembering Gillespie’s expression when he was attempting to enter, said one to another, “It was well that we admitted the pinning, otherwise the building would have fallen.” Even his Scottish brethren, although well acquainted with his great abilities, were surprised with his masterly analysis of Selden’s argument, and looked into his note-book, expecting there to find the outline of the summary which he had given.

Cut Loo a piece of bread." "Gussie Flint's mother scalded her leg with the wash-boiler." "Did she? Aw!" Mrs. Hassiebrock came then, limping around, tilting the contents of the steaming pot to a plate. "Sit down, ma; don't bother." Miss Hassiebrock drew up, pinning a fringed napkin that stuck slightly in the unfolding across her shining expanse of shirtwaist. Broke a piece of bread. Dipped.

As I was leading another horse as well, my position was exceedingly uncomfortable, for in the confusion a trace slipped over my head and was caught by the back of my helmet, pinning me under the water. Nor were the most desperate efforts to free myself of any avail, for the horse was struggling like a mad thing to get his or rather, her head above the surface.

Twice she stepped from the dressing case to the window to see if the blue sky was still visible, and when at last the sunlight lay upon the carpet she laughed, and pinning her blue hat with its soft feathers securely in place she hurried from the room and down the stairway where in the hall she waited for Helen.

She was always prepared with a buttonhole, which she insisted on arranging and pinning into his coat. Then allusion was made to the forget-me-nots that the bouquet was sure to contain; and laughing vacantly for laughter with Olive took the place of conversation she fled through the rooms, encouraging him to pursue her.