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I had just as lief kiss you as not if you wasn't my father; and aunt Madge says she'll answer it, 'cause you couldn't read my writing; but I hain't got any pig! He was a pinky winky little thing, but grandpa kept a keepin' him eatin', and he got so big once when I was gone that they had to kill him. But he didn't go to heaven, and I'm glad, for I don't ever want to see him again.

If I'd thought all this trouble was to come, I'd have smothered it before it was half an hour old." "Risky business," remarked Mrs. Hoyt. "Safer than to have let it live," said Mrs. Dinneford, a hard, evil expression settling around her mouth. "And now I want the thing done. You understand. Find this Pinky Swett. The police are after her, and may be ahead of you. I am desperate, you see.

He stood up thinking for a few minutes, watching Pete, who kept on dipping his hands into the cool water, and holding them full up to his burning face; and as Tom looked, and thought that there was no one to call the rough lad to account, he appeared to be seeing everything about him with wonderful clearness there were the long shadows of the pines cast across the pool with streaks of golden sunshine, in which the silver water buttercups, with their two kinds of leaves, lay thick above and below the surface; along by the edge were the branched bur-reeds, with their round spiked stars of seed-vessels; close by the pinky flowering rush was growing, and in the shallows the water soldier thrust up stiffly its many heads.

"I say," began Carter, who was doing the Natural Science Tripos, "what is the adult form of the Pinky Dinky?" But there we were checked by our ignorance of the world. "What is the adult form of any of us?" asked Benton, voicing the thought that had arrested our flow. I do not remember that we ever lifted our criticism to the dons and the organisation of the University.

"That is more than I can say." "What has become of the woman I gave it to?" "She's about somewhere." "When did you see her?" Mrs. Hoyt pretended to think for some moments, and then replied: "Not for a month or two." "Had she the baby then?" "No; she was rid of it long before that." "Did she know this Pinky Swett?" "Yes." "Curse the brat!

"There's a magnolious medico ahead here on the pass," Pinky Parrott interrupted. "A young thing, but they say he's a graduate of Harvard. He's out here because he has some timber-claims. Look, Milt o' the Daggett, why don't you drive Miss Boltwood's 'bus make better time, and hustle the old gent up to the doc, and I'll come on behind with your machine." "Why," Claire fretted, "I hate "

"But," said the drowsy Marie, raising herself on an elbow, with all her shining hair far prettier than any one of the pinky caps with which she loved to cover it falling over her childish white shoulders, "I must get up; Osborn, really I must; there's breakfast to cook and you mustn't be late." "Lie still, Mrs. Kerr," cried the young husband from the doorway.

I'll pay you five dollars a week, and put it down in advance. Give him plenty to eat, and be as good to him as you can, for you see it's a fat job, and I'll make it fatter for you if all comes out right." The woman was not slow to promise all that Pinky demanded. The house in which she lived had three rooms, one below and two smaller ones above.

And while they may not be wearing attics in New York, we haven't taken them off in Winnebago. Come on up to your room, dear. It looks bare. If I'd known you were coming the slip covers " "Are they in the box in the attic labelled 'Slp Cov Pinky Rm'?" She succeeded in slurring it ludicrously. It brought an appreciative giggle from Mrs. Brewster.

Come, William, draw the cork, and let us taste the pink champagne." The waiter drew the cork, and filled the glasses with a pinky liquor, which bubbled, hissed, and foamed. "How do you like it?" said the jockey, after I had imitated the example of my companions, by despatching my portion at a draught.