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The quarrel grew furious. At last Sam drove his fist down on the table and said he was through with the outfit and was going back to Saguache. "Yo tambien," agreed Curly. "Not that I've got anything against the horse ranch. That ain't it. But I'm sure pining for to bust the bank at Bronson's. 'Round and round the little ball goes, Where it will land nobody knows.

A great senator had told him how she had come thither to nurse a gallant young officer in her husband's regiment, how she had pulled the boy through the perils of brain fever until he was now convalescent and going on to rejoin his comrades in Manila, and she, she was pining to reach her husband now serving on General Drayton's staff.

First I saw the Junker and Sir Franz, who had fallen out about me, a foolish maid; then it was my Ann, pining with grief, paler than ever with a nun's veil on her; or standing by the Pegnitz, on the very spot where, erewhile, in the sweet Springtide, a forsaken maid had cast herself in.

Shelley wore one of her city frocks and a quilted red silk hood that was one of her Christmas gifts, and she looked just like a handsome doll. She made every male creature in that room feel that she was pining for him alone.

We'd be all right if we could only lift the roof off the house. I'd like to hear the wind rubbing the boughs together." "Stop it! You make me homesick! We've got no right to be pining for blankets and the open, when these good people are doing so much for us!" Each stretched himself upon his bed, and closed his eyes. They had not been jesting altogether.

Yet, strive as he would and no man could strive more resolutely he could not succeed in banishing the image of Isaura. It was with him always; and with it a sense of irreparable loss, of a terrible void, of a pining anguish.

She was urgent, however, that Isabel should come as soon as possible, since Louisa had been more unwell than usual, and was pining for her eldest sister; and she hoped that James would join her there as soon as the holidays should set him free.

She sang naïvely of the "Captive Dove" that makes unheard its "joyless moan", of "the heart that Nature formed to love", pining, "neglected and alone". She sang of the "Narrow Way", "Be it," she sings, "thy constant aim "To labour and to love, To pardon and endure, To lift thy heart to God above, And keep thy conscience pure."

He raised his eyes to Ryabovitch and went on: "It seems to me your front strap is too long." Making a few other tedious remarks, the general looked at Lobytko and grinned. "You look very melancholy today, Lieutenant Lobytko," he said. "Are you pining for Madame Lopuhov? Eh? Gentlemen, he is pining for Madame Lopuhov."

I call her my maid now, and won't have any other, French or not for she's good as gold, and loves me dearly. You will believe that when I tell you our head gamekeeper wanted to marry her she loved him, too, but wouldn't leave me. Margaret left a sister behind in New York that she was very fond of, and has been pining to see for years.