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'You need tell me no more. I can picture my sweet child, pining, grieving over the lost character of him she loved two families of victims. But shall not vengeance take its course? It shall terrible and full. But a short space of time shall elapse ere he shall be stripped of rank and title, and then 'Walter, you rave. 'I speak in earnest. I never threaten in vain. But I must act now.

They looked upon the living and intense stars, and felt palpably at their hearts that spell wild, but mute which nothing on or of earth can inspire; that pining of the imprisoned soul, that longing after the immortality on high, which is perhaps no imaginary type of the immortality ourselves are heirs to.

Or perhaps it is the girl you admire most; this marvellous young lady who shoots tigers and apparently manages the whole Terai Forest. You say you love me; but you don't seem to be pining very much for me. While each day that comes since you left me is a fresh agony to me, you appear to contrive to be quite happy without me." This letter stung Wargrave like the lash of a whip across the face.

"If I'd only the loan of a crutch!" pleaded Tilda; "an' it couldn' do me no 'arm in this weather." "Pining for liberty, hey?" said the doctor. Tilda clapped her palms together, and her eyes shone. To herself she said: "Kiddin' of me, that's what they are. Want to get me out of the way while they shift the beddin'. Lemme get back my clothes, that's all, an' I'll teach him about pinin' for liberty."

The shock which the poor girl had received in the destruction of all her ideal world had indeed been cruel. Faintings and hysterics had at first shaken her tender frame, and were succeeded by a settled and pining melancholy. She had beheld from her window the march of the departing troops.

And in the street the donkey drivers, the water-carriers, the fishmongers, the venders of broiled meats, of baked breads, of beans, of cream, all cried: "Mister Turtle, Mister Turtle! Try our wares. Buy something for your poor stubborn beast that is pining away!" And, in truth, the turtle continued to shrink.

Easter morning dawned, a God-given splendor of blue and spring softness, and the six stood, after breakfast, on the veranda and looked at the day. "Time and the world are before you. Choose how you will spend the forenoon," said Mrs. Lenox. "I should like to drive," Lena promptly replied. "Mr. Lenox was telling me last night about his new pair of horses. I know he is pining to show them off."

Poor Nest! so loving as she was, so devoted to her child how should he console her? He pictured her away in a strange land, pining for her native mountains, and refusing to be comforted because her child was not.

The letters which she received from The Hague inflamed her love, so that it was a pain to her. A prey to consuming visions, she was pining away. When she saw her absent friend too clearly her temples throbbed, her heart beat violently, and a dense increasing shadow would darken her mind.

But she spake at last: Meseemeth as if there is a woman in the isle besides you three; some misdoer that I was minded to punish. Tell me, you! was there not a naked one who came into this hall a while ago, one whom I threatened with pining?