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If the little spotted fawn can think, it must seem to her a queer world in which the advent of innocence is hailed by the baying of fierce hounds and the "ping" of the rifle. Hunting the deer in the Adirondacks is conducted in the most manly fashion. There are several methods, and in none of them is a fair chance to the deer considered.

Behind hastily constructed shelter trenches the soldiers fought off that encircling band of Indians, with a desperation and valor born of an almost hopeless situation. Ever and anon, from across the river came the ping of a Winchester bullet, proving that retreat was cut off that way. The Indians had completely marched around them. Where was the re-enforcement? Why didn't it come?

But now he had no time to think, for, as he sprang out, there was a sharp "Bang," followed by a "Ping! ping! ping!" and Tranta suddenly felt a sharp pain in his leg. The pain was so great that he was obliged to go on three legs and hold up the fourth, which hung in a limp manner and hurt him dreadfully.

With a cheerful equanimity I contemplated the prospect of his receiving a very slight contusion from a spent bullet on a soft part of his frame. Ping, ping, came a few reports, but evidently out of range. Each smoke-wreath was in a different direction.

I'm going to start the engine and get out of this." He pulled the reverse lever, and the engine buzzed merrily. The auto indulged in a series of unwholesome convulsive shivers, but it didn't budge. "Hey! Hey!" floated up from the crowd. "Oh, look and see what they're howling about now," growled Hawkins. The cause of their vociferations was only too apparent. Ping! Ping! Ping!

An exclamation from the colonel, who had stood sphinx-like, his glasses directed upon the grey house, made every one turn. "I've spotted him," he called, his voice vibrating. "He's at the top-floor window nearest to us.... There he goes again.... I heard the 'ping' and saw dust come out of the window.... Now then, is that line through yet?"

Well, transplant that idea to the other and more human side of your nature, and say to yourself: 'Next Thursday is Nemesis Day; what on earth can I do to those odious people next door who made such an absurd fuss when Ping Yang bit their youngest child? Then you'd get up awfully early on the allotted day and climb over into their garden and dig for truffles on their tennis court with a good gardening fork, choosing, of course, that part of the court that was screened from observation by the laurel bushes.

"Griggs," said Hawkins, in trembling tones, "I almost believe that you are right. Where on earth can that hook and ladder be? Yes, you are right. I'll do I'll can you see them yet, Griggs? I'll do it! I swear " Ping! Ping! Ping! Still sitting upon the cushions, I felt my heart literally leap into my throat. My eyes closed before a sudden rush of wind. My hands gripped out wildly.

This having been done, Ping was led into camp and placed with his back against a rock where the light of the campfire lighted up his countenance. "Tell me what happened!" demanded the guide. "Big piecee man come 'long. Him clawl like dog. Him listen to what say." "To what we were saying!" interjected Grace. "Les. Him bad piecee man." Hi Lang and Grace exchanged glances of inquiry.

"That is what makes their pidgin English so quaint," answered Miss Briggs. "Ping says the horses don't care for any more water," announced Nora, returning with two empty buckets. "Pass them down," directed Hippy. "We will fill everything in camp, including ourselves."